During this tour, he attended the Monmouthshire Association, and preached his last associational sermon.
During his ministry, he made forty journeys from North to South Wales, and preached one hundred and sixty-three associational sermons.
Reflex life itself is not complete in him, and the cortico-motor system only hinted at; the sensory centers are undifferentiated, the associational systems remain isolated for a long time after birth.
It employs only those associational forms that have an objective basis, although its mission is to form new combinations, "the discoveries consisting of the relation of ideas, capable of being united, which hitherto have been isolated.
Comparative anatomy proves that the associational centers are more important than those of sensation.
Besides analogy, this imaginative creation has as its principal source the associational form already described under the name "constellation.
In the case of an associational capacity of 60 per cent or less no doubt of its pathological significance can remain any longer.
If the association test is to be useful in the study of pathological conditions, it is of great importance to have a reliable measure of the associational value of a pair of ideas.
It will be apparent to anyone who examines the frequency tables that the reactions obtained from one thousand persons fall short of exhausting the normal associational possibilities of these stimulus words.
In general the associational capacity of an adult person may be taken to be from 80 per cent to 90 per cent.
This table reveals associational tendencies as occurring in connection with the psychoses studied.
There are so few cases of these psychoses in our series that we can say but little concerning their associational disorders.
The associational group includes two tests under imagery, three under memory, and four under ideation.
This unique susceptibility to social influence is, indeed, essential to the complex institutional and associational life of mankind.
Mr. Bender, with an eagerness and a candour there was no mistaking, recognised on behalf of his ampler action a world of associationaladvantage and auspicious possibility.
Well, some things have in a higher degree that one, and some have the associational or the factitious, and some the clear artistic.
Hamilton bases philosophy on the facts of consciousness, but, in antithesis to the associational psychology, emphasizes the mental activity of discrimination and judgment.
With the phenomenalism of Hume and the (somewhat corrected) associational psychology of his father as a basis, Mill makes experience the sole source of knowledge, rejecting a priori and intuitive elements of every sort.
Psychology the associational the sensationalistic of Leibnitz of Wolff of Tetens Kant on rational constructive the basis of philosophy in J.
Natura non facit saltum": a maxim which has no meaning within the stricter limits of the associational theory of knowledge.
In spite of all the ingenuity spent in maintaining the associational legitimacy of this new article of theory, it remains a patent innovation and a departure from the ancient standpoint.
May not the phenomena of anaphylaxis be studied on associational lines?
The acute fear of a surgical operation may be banished by the use of certain drugs that depress the associational power of the brain and so minimize the effect of the preparations that usually inspire fear.
The contrast between a man whose associational centers are keen and a man in whom these centers are dulled or lost is the contrast between life and death.
If, in addition, the entire field of operation is blocked by local anesthesia so that the associational centers are not awakened, the patient will pass through the operation unscathed.
First it is clear that logical operations are of the same reproductive repetitive type that we have found in the associational logic of empiricism, and in the logic of the objective universal.
We may indicate four chief groups of this associational or indirect beauty.
But in indirect or associational beauty these impressions are combined with an excitement of the phronetic neurona--the rational brain-cells which effect presentation and thought.