In that last Assemblie all questionis and dowtis, (yf any arryise,) should be resolved without contentioun.
And albeit there ware no great daunger, yet cannot oure assemblie be unproffitable; for many thingis requyre consultation, quhilkis can not be had, onles the wysest and godliest convein.
The Erle of Murray affermit the same, with monie uthair fair promeisses gevin be writ be Lethingtoune him self; as in the register of the Actis done in the Generall Assemblie may be sene.
AT this same Assemblie was the Lord James appoynted to go to France to the Quene oure Soverane;[308] and a Parliament was appointed to begyn the twenty of Maij nixt following; for at that tyme was the returne of the said Lord James looked for.
That same year, and at that instant tyme, war appointed Commissionaris by the Generall Assemblie to Carryk and Cunighame, Maister George Hay, who, the space of a moneth preached with great fruct in all the churches of Carryk.
The day of this assemblie was the friday next after the first sundaie in Lent.
The lords and knights of France came not to the assemblie togither, for some came after, in such hast and euill order, that one of them troubled another.
But before they departed, the prince had aduertisement giuen him that the French king was come to Chartres, with an huge assemblie of men of warre, and that all the townes and passages aboue the riuer of Loire were closed and kept.
Sidenote: The assemblie of the princes at Villeford.
Also the French king, hauing made hisassemblie at Arras, and got thither a mightie host, as well out of the empire as of his owne subiects, came and lodged at the bridge of Bouuins, three leagues from Tournie.
The generall assemblie of the armie was appointed to be at Yorke, and thither came the said lord Beaumont with his people, and was ioifullie receiued of the king and his lords.
Received a letter from the Moderator of the Commission of the General Assemblie advysing the continewation of Assint and Gerloch's process till the next quarterly meeting in May.
Whereof when the barons had knowledge, they gat them strait vnto armour, making their assemblie at Stamford in the Easter weeke, whither they had drawne vnto them almost the whole Nobilitie, and gathered an exceeding great armie.
This being reade in the Gen^l Assemblie received full approbation.
By the space of fortie dais, before this assemblie be begun, the prince sendeth his writs vnto all his nobilitie particularlie, summoning them to appeare at the said court.
No vile, seditious, vnreuerent or biting words are vsed in this assemblie, yet if anie happen to escape and be vttered, the partie is punished according to the censure of the assemblie and custome in that behalfe.
There are likewise fourtie and six citizens, 289 burgesses, and foureteene barons, so that the whole assemblie of the laitie of the lower house, consisteth of foure hundred thirtie and nine persons, if the iust number be supplied.
At a Grand Assemblie Holden at James Citie the fifth day of June, 1676.
Courte or Assemblieof themselves, for the better ordering and directing of their affaires.
And furthermore, if any thing be appointed by the king or any other person to be vsed for the wealth of the realme, it shall not yet be receiued as law, till by authoritie of this assemblie it be established.
And finallie, both for the corruption of the Ministerie and remedies thereof, we refer the brethren to the Act of the Generall Assemblie at Edinburgh 1596.
And ordains the Commmissioners of this Assemblie to meane the same to his Majestie, and to desire that a pecuniall paine may be injoyned upon the contraveeners of this present act.
A reference to the Commission anent the Persons designed to repaire to the Kingdome of England; As likewise the Power contained in the Act of Assemblie 1644.
The Assemblie reccommends to Universities to bee carefull hereof.
But the king called a great assemblie of his lords togither [Sidenote: A councel called at Glocester.
And so at Oxford, where the assemblie was holden about the election, Harold was proclaimed king, and consecrated according to the [Sidenote: The refusall of the archbishop Elnothus to consecrate king Harold.
Herevpon the yoong king being arriued in England, called an assemblie of the lords spirituall and temporall at Winchester, [Sidenote: Rog.
September, at a generallassemblie holden within the citie of Auranches in the church of the apostle S.
April, in which assemblieof those two princes, the knights templers and hospitallers presented to them letters directed from pope Alexander vnto all christian princes, [Sidenote: The danger of the holie land.
The duke of Buckingham's oration to the assemblie of the maior, aldermen, and commoners.
Sidenote: The behauior of the lord protector in the assemblie of the lords.
The Answer of the Commission of the General Assemblie to the Quæree Propounded to them from the Parliament,” pp.
The Ourdoure and Doctrine of the General Fast, set down by John Knox, and John Craig, at the Appoyntment of the Assemblie in the year 1565, Apud.
After the Pasche he came to Edinburgh, to hold the seinze,[436] (as the Papistes terme thare unhappy assemblie of Baallis schaven sorte.
The countesse of Cornewall went ouer with a noble traine of lords, gentlemen, and others, to be present at the meeting of hir two sisters, the queenes of England and France, so that the roialtie of the assemblie on ech part was great.
Wherevpon, a parlement or assemblie of the lords was called at Westminster, on the second sundaie after Easter, which was the 29 of Aprill.
In this yeare, on the exaltation of the crosse, at Lambeth, in the assemblie of the states there, a subsidie was granted to the K.
This assemblieof the princes cost the archbishop verie deerelie, in feasting and banketting them and their traines.
In which time a direction was taken betweene the said parties, and a new assemblie and parlement assigned to be kept in the quindene of S.
There was a great assemblie of noble personages at that feast.
Ane act of the commissioun of the Generall Assemblie wes red in all the churches of Edinburgh dischargeing promiscuous dansing.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assemblie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.