It is difficult to conceive that their quiescence under a stranger was entirely ascribable to the fact, that the rule of the Malabars, although adverse to Buddhism, was characterised by justice and impartiality.
The fault, however, is really ascribable to the sons of Dhritarashtra.
Were there space, it might be worthwhile to inquire whether the pleasure we take in rhyme, and also that which we take in euphony, axe not partly ascribable to the same general cause.
But let us consider what results are directly ascribable to the missionaries alone.
And as the wealthy, in most cases, rejoice in a numerous kindred, the family footing upon which everybody visited him was, perhaps, ascribable to the fact of his being the lord of the manor.
A scruple may be given every fourth hour, until its effects in eliminating symptoms ascribable to malaria, and also as an antipyretic, have been sufficiently tested.
Again, the adynamia of malarial attacks is generally ascribable to some cause not essential to those affections.
It appears likely, therefore, that the yellowness is principally ascribable to coloring principles derived from dissolution of the blood, to which capillary obstruction would so strongly predispose this fluid.
When death occurs in remittent fever the post-mortem changes generally consist of those which are principally due to chronic malarial toxæmia and those ascribable to the acute attack.
It is ascribable to a functional derangement of the sebaceous glands, usually accompanied with dryness and loss of pliancy of the skin.
It is mainly ascribable to the pressure of the enlarged womb on the blood vessels, is not dangerous, and disappears after calving.
Such abnormalities are ascribable to severe exertion, to old age, to fatty or calcareous degeneration, or to parasites in the blood vessels.
In another class of cases the pruritis may be ascribable to an atrophy, contraction, or hardening of the skin, when the nerves become irritated by the pressure.
To this source, therefore, we can hardly err in referring much of the peculiar character ascribable to Scottish Ecclesiology, which it is attempted here to reduce to some system.
If I do not speak of the other characters of the book, it is because I feel that whatever humble merit the volume may possess is ascribable to the truthfulness of this principal personage.
By which you will perceive, that they have lost a third of that fishery in one year, which I think almost entirely, if not quite, ascribable to the shutting the French ports against their oil.
This does not appear then to be one of those cases of gross and palpable wrong, ascribable only to wickedness of the heart, and not to error of the head, in the judges who have decided on it, and founding a claim of national satisfaction.
In his Journal for this year there are various entries of mental attacks of short duration and other ailments ascribable to his advanced age.
The vapor jetted forth was far more radiant than any portion of the sea; ascribable perhaps to the originally luminous fluid contracting still more brilliancy from its passage through the spouting canal of the whales.
Now, to the fact of his not being rated a demi-god, was perhaps ascribable the circumstance, that Borabolla comported himself with less dignity, than was the wont of their Mardian majesties.
Expressive silence" would now be in him the excessive impudence of not acknowledging, as he respectfully does acknowledge, that success to be greatly ascribable to the eminent artists who have drawn and engraved the illustrations.
To this supposition is ascribable the adoption of the horse-shoe, as an infallible charm against the visits of old Iniquity.
Each idea is an effect, but however difficult it may be to recur to the cause, can we possibly suppose it is not ascribable to a cause?
From this it will appear, that prudence, foresight, are faculties that are ascribable to, that grow out of experience.