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Example sentences for "glanced back"

  • I glanced back, and caught Esau's eye, and fancied that I heard his teeth click together as he gave a kind of snap, looking as if he would like now to take my place for very shame.

  • As I glanced back over my shoulder, I could see him parting from the spot, with a hesitating step; no doubt somewhat astonished at the strange behaviour of his friend Wakono.

  • I glanced back to see; he was already past it, and following rapidly upon my heels.

  • I glanced back, but without feeling any uneasiness.

  • He glanced back doubtfully at the window.

  • He glanced back at her with a smile as she bent above her task like a school-girl struggling with a "composition.

  • As they went down the steps she glanced back at him.

  • As I passed out from the room close at Smith's heels, I glanced back, I cannot say why.

  • As I stooped to examine it, I glanced back, painfully, over my shoulder--and saw Nayland Smith tiptoeing away from me along the passage toward the light!

  • Aziz who evidently was as anxious as myself for information, and who now knelt at his sister's feet looking at her with that strange love, which was almost adoration, in his eyes, glanced back at me and nodded his head rapidly.

  • As he asked the question, he glanced back at her where she gleamed like a phantom.

  • As he reentered the white glare which shone from the hotel, he glanced back with a sense of impending ruin.

  • With his hand on the door knob, he glanced back solemnly.

  • He glanced back repeatedly, drawing Santa sharply into doorways in attempt after attempt to trap the tracker.

  • When he glanced back, his eyes were skeptical.

  • He glanced back, then thumbed toward the Point.

  • He glanced back at the fire, even more regretful he hadn't killed Jacques le Basque.

  • He glanced back at the arsenal stored in the dark room behind him.

  • When he glanced back at his companions it was with just a little bit of a start.

  • At the sudden sharp wince in the little hand that had nestled so confidently in his own he glanced back just in time to catch the look he so dreaded in her eyes.

  • With unmistakable significance he glanced back at Kaire.

  • As he stepped in, he glanced back up the stairs, then quickly resealed the door.

  • As he glanced back at the road, it was now blocked entirely by a herd of sheep, their shaggy brown fleeces suspended above dark, spindly legs.

  • I glanced back, and saw that one section of the big bookcase had moved forward slightly.

  • I glanced back once, and saw beyond the great wall, the castle itself, and the lights gleaming from many windows, while from the further wing came still the sound of the music.

  • As I stooped to examine it, I glanced back painfully, over my shoulder--and saw Nayland Smith tiptoeing away from me along the passage toward the light!

  • He glanced back, with grave, searching eyes, scanning my face carefully.

  • I glanced back, and saw Monsieur Perrier, the avocat, hurriedly putting our luggage on a wheelbarrow, and preparing to follow us with it along the dark streets.

  • I glanced back for an instant, and saw my husband struggling with the policeman, the centre of the knot of bystanders from which I was escaping.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glanced back" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    becomes necessary; charge upon; dozen paces; establish their own righteousness; exilic date; false witness; four minutes; given below; glanced about; glanced around; glanced back; glanced down; glanced round; great honour; greyish white; married before; more abundantly; much misery; music and; same name; shall pass; show cause; strange expression; sugar industry; victory over; will rejoice