All species of thearmadillos are powerful burrowers, and they are well equipped for their tunnelling in the earth with strong fore limbs.
The armadillo has an armour of quite another kind, notwithstanding the fact that pangolins and armadillos belong to the same great family, and each eats ants.
It is well to remember that the pangolins and armadillos are the last survivors of a great and ancient family of armour-bearers.
The armadillos (Dasypidæ) entertain a variety of nematodes.
According to the “finds” of Natterer and the subsequent descriptions by Diesing, the two most common helminths of the Brazilian armadillos are Aspidocephalus scoleciformis and Trichocephalus subspiralis.
Armadillos were formerly thought to feed exclusively on vegetables; but they have since been found to devour insects and flesh.
Armadillos are almost exclusively natives of South America, principally of the province of Paraguay.
Armadillos in having no bands in their armour, so that they must have been unable to roll themselves up.
To the first kind belong armadillos full two spans long, and larger than a barrow-pig, with very long nails, and some with yellow, others with red hairs.
Armadillos of the second species, which are much smaller than the others, abstain from carcasses, and yield flesh and fat of a very pleasant savour.
Armadillos are not agile but are remarkably muscular.
Singular as it may appear, Armadillos do not have a regular abiding place, and they frequently change their homes.
The Armadillosare at home in sparsely grown and sandy plains, and in fields on the edges of woods, which, however, they never enter.
In captivity Armadillos are usually put in cages with Monkeys, who, if they do not precisely reduce them to servitude, at least use them as playthings.
All Armadillos bear the name Fatu in the South American Guarau Indian language.
It has been shown that Armadillos excavate their burrows under the hills of Ants or Termites, where they are able to gather their principal food with the greatest convenience by day as well as by night.
The armadillos are of three or four species, all of them small.
This fall was not, by a very long way, the only one which they had before they had been six months upon the plains; for the armadillos were most abundant, and in the long grass it was impossible to see their holes.
The ground troops moved about in confusion as officers shouted, but the great Armadillos were silent and still.
The Armadillos were as shadows of a dark, machinated dream.
Small armadillos abound near these rocky knolls, and are said to feed on ants and other insects.
Animal life was scarce; there were a few flycatchers amongst the birds, and armadillos were the only mammals.
In this uncertainty, which time alone can remove, we have thought proper to mention all the armadillos under one head, enumerating each of them as if they were, in fact, so many different species.
All the armadillos come originally from America; they were unknown before the discovery of the New World.
Some have, indeed, confounded the scaly lizards of the East Indies with the armadillos of America.
All the other armadillos have two bucklers, one on the shoulders, and the other on the rump, but this has but one, which is upon his shoulders.
We give no credit to these extraordinary properties; the crust and bones of the armadillos being of the same nature as the bones of other animals.
It is therefore very probable that while the mammoth and the mastodon were roaming over North America, giant sloths and armadillos were monarchs of the southern continent.
In the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons (which the reader is recommended to visit) there are several most valuable specimens of these extinct armadillos from South America.
What cause, or causes, led to the extermination of the giant sloths andarmadillos is still a matter of speculation.
As in the living sloths and armadillos (edentata[51]), there are no teeth in the fore part of the jaw.
It is evident, therefore, that this creature, having no movable bands, as living armadillos have, could not roll itself up into a ball.
We found, indeed, not far off, the remains of a deer on which he had been feeding, several armadillos and a king-vulture being engaged in finishing what he had left of the feast.
Several vultures and eagles had, however, collected to enjoy the feast we had prepared for them, while two armadillos and numerous insects had already attacked the carcasses.
In contrast to the actions of the agoutis and armadillos was the behavior of the ocelots.
The lot of the armadillos was not vastly different.
I meant to draw Armadilloswhen I began the map, and I meant to draw manatees and spider-tailed monkeys and big snakes and lots of Jaguars, but it was more inciting to do the map and the venturesome adventures in red.
It hasn't anything to do with the story except that there are two Armadillos in it--up by the top.
By this time the armadillos had taken up their winter quarters under ground, and only came out of their burrows on a remarkably sunny day.
A fat ostrich at this time of the year was a rarity, but eggs abounded, and formed the main staple of food; and the armadillos were also getting into condition, and assisted to furnish a repast at the camp fire.
No one could object to the transplanting of armadillos to the prairies and deserts of the United States.
It is said that armadillos are not found south of the Santa Cruz River.
The altars in front of these stelae are described by Mr. Maudslay as oblong or rounded blocks of stone shaped to represent huge turtles or armadillos or some such animals.
A genus of armadillos (Tatusia novemcincta) usually called Dasypus novemcinctus, the only armadillo found in the United States, is fairly common in the woods of Yucatan.
We know that certain animals are only found in particular countries; kangaroos and pouched animals, for example, in Australia, and sloths and armadillos in South America.
Because, instead of making a nice little hole in the side of the ant-hill, as the tamanoirs do, and through this hole eating the ants themselves, the armadillos break down a large part of the structure and devour the larva.
The armadillos were feeding in an open space between two of these jungle clumps, which were about a hundred yards apart.
I had always supposed that armadillos merely shuffled along, and curled up for protection when menaced; and I was almost as surprised as if I had seen a turtle gallop when these two armadillos bounded off at a run, going as fast as rabbits.
Twice, while laying railway tracks near Sao Paulo, Kermit had accidentally dug up armadillos with a steam-shovel.
Because it was felt that the species possibly had been introduced along the R['i]o del Fuerte, a number of local residents were questioned on the point, but all insisted that armadillos were native to the area.
Recent discoveries apparently indicate, however, the occurrence of armadillos of a primitive type in the lower Tertiary or Eocene formations of Wyoming.
This genus differs from all the other armadillos in having a pair of inguinal teats in addition to the usual pectoral pair, and in producing a large number (4 to 10) of young at a birth, all the others having usually but one or two.
More interesting still is the occurrence of remains of reputed armadillos (Necrodasypus) from the Oligocene of France and Germany.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "armadillos" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.