The armamentarium of the endoscopist must be complete, for it is rarely possible to substitute, or to improvise makeshifts, while the bronchoscope is in situ.
Illustration: A plate of Schulte’s “Armamentarium Chirurgicum,” showing some dental and other operations.
Surgeons were loath to believe that ether, a drug that had long held a place in the subordinate armamentarium of the physician, could accomplish such a miracle.
This perfected the methods of physical diagnosis of diseases of the chest in all essentials; and from that day till this percussion and auscultation have held an unquestioned place in the regular armamentarium of the physician.
Impellents formed an important part of the armamentarium of the surgeon, at least down to the time of Scultetus, and in his works and in those of Albucasis and Pare there are numerous figures of these instruments.
In these aspects as well as in the armamentarium enumerated above, the supernaturalists are agreed and are making their last stand.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "armamentarium" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.