The responding waiter departed with orders for a whiskey and two lithias.
As openly as he dared, he warned Susan against the danger of becoming a mere machine--a puppet, responding stiffly to the pulling of strings.
She felt no shyness--and no sense of necessity of responding to a compliment, for his tone forbade any thought of flattery.
Responding to God through Jesus, Christians discover: First, that God is their Christlike Father, and that He is love as Jesus experienced His love and Himself was love.
Never mind, Vere," he said quickly, obedient to those eyes, and responding to their delicate subtlety.
She thought she felt the sea responding to her as she responded to the sea.
She was taken unawares by the first visitors, and they absolutely had the privilege of sitting on her sofas, and responding to a few icy remarks which dropped from her lips.
A responding murmur showed that the bulk of them were with him.
All of these were responding more or less sincerely to the cry of the people of Kentucky (every day more passionate) that something be done about Louisiana.
What is it that has kept me from responding to the perfect beauty of Christ's character?
Waubezhais, the son of Miscomoneto, and bearing his medal and authority, then spoke, responding frankly.
He made a speech responding to the sentiments uttered by me, and promising the aid of his band in the pacification of the country.
As in most school situations initially responding to class assignments and involvement in new clinical situations consumed my time and thwarted my personal, professional interests.
Yet she experiences each meeting as herself--a unique individual person, this here-and-now being in this body responding in this situation.
Understanding of man can change a person's way of being with other man and his way of existing in and responding to his world.
Indirectly, in responding to her patients, knowing I would be listening to the tape she would take a "sweet swipe" at me which placed the responsibility of all our efforts on my shoulders.
It also has aided my understanding of the multifarious multiplicity of angular views expressed by several professionals in responding to and describing a similar situation.
Can nurses and other health care maintainers look at the ways they respond to differences consciously, and can they deliberately choose to be open to responding to them as valuable?
Sometimes, survival in the system reduces the nurse to following the line of least resistance, that is, responding to the immediate or to the loudest demands.
In this live dialogue both patient and nurse are calling and responding all at once.
In the later, I find myself responding with a kind of "professional reserve.
A mixture of affection and devotion is manifested by a tint of violet, and the more delicate shades of this invariably show the capacity of absorbing and responding to a high and beautiful ideal.
While the footman is responding to the smart knock of the visitor, we will explain how Mrs. Haughton had incurred that gentleman's acquaintance.
As he spoke in quite a fit of desperation, he began patting and soothing the animal, and when Brazier peered out again, in company with a loaded gun, the puma was respondingto Rob's caresses in the most friendly way.
He found the adjutant alone in his room, and apologised for the delay in respondingto his invitation, pleading the urgency of other matters that he had in hand.
Responding to its entreaty, he murmured a promise in courteous terms of delight at so much honour.
Responding to the need for the believers to establish another assembly, Kitty finally made her home in Tauranga where she is an active and much loved exponent of the Cause.
What spell is there in the "Faust" waltz, or in any waltz, for one whose heart is capable of receiving and responding to the inspired message of Mozart?
In the clothing industry trade unionism has already established a minimum wage limit for thousands of women who are receiving the protection and discipline of trade organization and responding to the tonic of self-help.
Perhaps the most immediate result would be a change in the attitude toward prostitution on the part of elected officials, responding to that of their constituency.
Sherrington points out in his notable book, "The Integrative Action of the Nervous System," that there is a play of the entire organism on each responding element, and there is also a competition throughout each pathway to action.
The capacity for perceiving and responding to stimuli, for inhibiting or delaying action and for choosing, are of cardinal importance in our study.
Helping others" becomes a great motive in life, responding to misery with tears, consolation and kindness, reacting to the good deeds of others with praise.
The respondingelement is more easily stirred into activity, responds with more vigor and with less effort.
I will be mute," said Nello, laying his finger on his lips, with a responding shrug.
A loud responding sob rose at once from the wide multitude, while Savonarola had fallen on his knees and buried his face in his mantle.
When responding to the perfectly focused tone the thin walls of the cavities and the contained air vibrate with surprising force, often for the moment blinding the singer when sounding a note intensely.
When this is attained, then the voice, action, and the whole spirit of the performer, responding to the theme, will beget a like responsiveness in his audience.
Lucia was serene and beaming with quiet happiness, like a blue hepatica blossom, a little bashful, but responding archly and merrily, and her fine clear eyes dimmed by only the slightest suspicion of a tear.
She took some stitches with a composed air, without respondingto her companion's exclamation.
She thinks he would have been more strongly attached to her if she had been colder to him, or pretended to be, instead of responding with simplicity and frankness.
One result of this characteristic is that, more especially when love is unduly delayed beyond the first youth, this complex apparatus has difficulty in responding to the unfamiliar demands of sexual excitement.
It would appear to have been by the advice of an Arabian physician that the Duchess Leonora Gonzaga, of Mantua, was whipped by her mother to aid her in responding more warmly to her husband's embraces and to conceive.
In this way, points which responded only to hot, and also those responding only to cold, were found, marked with delicate ink marks in each case, until the whole area was explored and marked in different colours.
It is further evident that frequent hypnotization is very damaging if done by the same operator, since then the patient contracts a habit of responding to the same class of suggestions; and this may influence his normal life.
Cornelia to her father and her betrothed, after responding to their demonstrations of tenderness.