Defn: A hole through which a man may descend or creep into a drain, sewer, steam boiler, parts of machinery, etc.
Stuffing box, a device for rendering a joint impervious where there is a hole through which a movable cylindrical body, as the paston rod of a steam engine, or the plunger of a pump, slides back and forth, or in which a shaft turns.
When these pieces are secure drill a hole through them at E for the mast.
Drill a hole through centre of block for the wire axle d c.
K is a piece of cardboard with a hole through it for pulling the cannon along; it is glued to end M.
There must be a slot through I and another through J, for the string belt to pass through, and a hole through K for the intake of water from a faucet.
Bore a hole through upright L for the axle M to stick through, and cut axle M enough smaller than the spool drums N so they will turn easily.
To fasten the horses to the shafts, punch a hole through three of them at X (Fig.
Cut a piece 3 inches long and 3/4 inch wide, round its ends, and with the point of a nail pierce a hole through it each side of the center of the length of the piece (Fig.
I never like to praise myself; but, humanly speaking, I can double up any two men in these diggings, take the bark off a tree by looking at it, and bore a hole through a board fence with my eye.
A hole through which a man may descend or creep into a drain, sewer, steam boiler, parts of machinery, etc.
The ranchman who expressed a desire to put a hole through us for scaring his horses on our way down to the Springs, now recognized and waved his hand to us as we returned.
Spherical pieces of wood, termed bull's-eyes, having a hole through them, in which is inserted the rope of the parrel.
Bore a hole through, to make a communication with the mortar formed by the tube.
To do this, bore a hole through a piece of cork or a small bung, and through it push a piece of brass wire or stair-rod, fig.
Some one has bored a hole through it, and people have no doubt called it false.
I will bore a hole through thee, that everyone may know that thou art a false and worthless thing; and yet, why should I do that?
Lucky for you that you both hopped out of the way, youngsters, or I should have had to send one of you back home with a hole through him, and t'other broke in half.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hole through" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.