The zealous care of the apostle was amply rewarded; the plague was stayed, and the assembly delivered from the defiling influence of unjudged moral evil.
Assuredly, we may say, these were noble lessons for the apostle of the circumcision to learn upon the housetop of Simon the tanner.
This, I imagine, you will not question, seeing the inspired apostle so expressly declares that "whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning.
The feeblest member of the household of faith is as much a priest as the apostle Peter himself.
It is Christ's life as risen from the dead, and not His life down here, that the apostle refers to in the last-quoted passage.
The apostle does not say, If we pray for pardon, He is gracious and merciful to forgive us.
We are here forcibly reminded of a solemn passage in the first epistle of John, in which the apostle furnishes us with the two marks whereby we may know those that are of God.
The gifts and sacrifices which were offered under the law, as the apostle tells us, "could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience.
If ever in modern days the character of the apostle John has been reproduced among men it was in John G.
The wild man had been successful, and Spain found another world than the apostle knew of.
August Sabatier[72] contributed a brilliant study to the development of the ideas of the Apostle in the course of his writings which were taken in historical order; and he was followed by the more cautious exposition of Prof.
Drummond ascribes the whole book to the Apostleand meets the adverse views of recent criticism with masterly replies.
One leading scholar[45] holds that the teachings of Jesus in our Fourth Gospel came from the Apostle John, while he thinks that most of the narrative portions are due to another hand.
And the apostle by this thunderclap from heaven overthrows and disperses, as the wind scatters the dust, all the hobgoblins of this Henry.
Luther compared the Wartburg to that celebrated island to which the wrath of Domitian in former times had banished the Apostle John.
There certainly needs no ghost come from the grave to tell us that no true-born Scandinavian would have sworn in an unguarded moment by the Apostle of Ireland.
Who can estimate the height of daring to which the Apostle of the Gentiles might have risen had it been vouchsafed to him to walk through Theatre Alley.
Hence Virgilius is venerated to this day as theApostle of Carinthia.
Then we have in praise of Patrick a Hymn by his nephew, St. Sechnall or Secundinus, a metrical Life or Eulogy by St. Fiacc of Sletty, and certain sayings attributed to our national apostle in the Book of Armagh.
With one accord all foreign writers, following the testimony of Tarentum itself, proclaim that Cathaldus, its second apostle and patron saint, was an Irishman and a scholar of the great School of Lismore.
Once more Tarentum became a christian city in reality as well as in name; and Cathaldus was venerated as the second apostle and patron saint of the city.
The kind stranger turned out to be the Apostle Paul himself.
In the Tripartite Life of St. Patrick, Manchan the Master is said to have accompanied the apostle to Tyrawley, when the chiefs and people of that district were converted about the year A.
It seems she accompanied her brother, who attended the Apostle all the way from the banks of the Boyne; and that she, too, had the privilege of ministering to Patrick and his companions.
With unusual clearness he comprehended the deeply evangelical truths which this Apostle of Justification by Faith had been permitted to see and express so clearly.
In his sleep his spirit was impressed with the words of the Apostle Paul, "If God be for us, who can be against us?
The next day he bade the apostlelook again and see what the people were doing.
Another apostle was sent to get some good wine, and "hence it is that when you have to taste wine to see whether it is good, you must not eat fennel-seed.
The apostle looked and saw the people laughing, and said: "The people are laughing.
Then he drew him out and hammered him on all sides, and in less than ten minutes the old bald-headed apostle was forged anew into a wonderfully handsome youth with beautiful hair.
But the Apostle swiftly passes to the corresponding thought of diversity.
But in the text, according to our Authorised Version, it looks at first sight as if it were not the faith, but the trial of the faith that the Apostle regards as thus valuable.
But the strength that is in thews and muscles is not the strength that the Apostle is speaking about here, nor anything that belongs simply to the natural stage of your development, whether it be purely physical or purely mental.
And that is the idea that the Apostle would impress upon us as true for each of us, in the measure in which our Christianity is real.
However, that is not what the Apostle Peter meant.
The Apostle says, 'see that ye walk strictly, not as fools but as wise.
Now, do not run away with the notion that the Apostleis speaking here of that great White Throne and the future judgment that for many of us lies, inoperative on our creeds, on the other side of the great cleft of death.
The Apostle uses an emphatic term which is very familiar on his lips to designate this knowledge.
And if you look at the words of my text, you will see that the offices which are attributed to Christ in the New Testament are gathered up in those which the Apostle here ascribes to Christ's servants.
Whatever may be the religion he professes, the apostle inspires esteem, and the martyr compassion.
How like the Apostle he was in being jealous over himself with a godly jealousy will appear from such extracts from his journal as this: 'I live as if in exile from God, in a dry and thirsty land where no water is.
The apostle has one foot on the step of the throne upon which he is placing his disciple, while Saint Linus and Saint Cletus stand by, as if assisting at the installation of one who was their successor, as well as Saint Peter's.
Petrie's conjecture, that our ancient writers have so blended together the acts of two Saint Patricks, that it is no longer possible to say which belongs to the Apostle Patrick; chapters v.
I beseech the intercession with thee of all the holy bishops who founded the ecclesiastical city after them, with the Apostle Peter.
For I can effect nothing unless I effect it in the language of the Apostle Paul, who said: Quis me liberavit a corpore mortis hujus peccati nisi gratia tua Domine Jesu Christe qui regnas in secula seculorum.
Todd's Memoir of the Life and Mission of Saint Patrick, Apostle of Ireland.
Bare, it as the Apostle says, with a mission to do right; but he says nothing of any duty, or any custom, to show by reason that he was doing right.
And he will that we shall in this world have pity on each other and not be sine affectione, for which the apostle rebuketh them that lack their tender affection here.
For this cause the blessed apostle St. James exhorteth men in their bodily sickness to call in the priests, and saith that it shall do them good both in body and soul.
Nay, does not an apostle himself confess, that, in certain conditions, Christians may be of all men the most miserable?
Paul the apostle had to work, and felt no dishonour in it.
On more than one occasion the apostle Paul had to work with his hands to earn his daily bread.
Without regarding Peter's love, then--without treating that as love at all which opposed the appointments of Jehovah, Jesus addressed the apostle just as he had once before addressed the tempter himself.
Here we have the teaching, of the great apostle to the Gentiles, to churches and households and every individual believer in Christ Jesus; see Rom.
If the apostle has taught it so, he has quoted from the decalogue.
This subject is continued from the xiiith chapter, where the apostle had been enforcing the commandments, and one is equally binding as the other, except the fourth, which is more insisted upon than the rest.
Then the seventh-day Sabbath is included or the testimony of Jesus and his Apostle would be false.
Now the Apostle James has given us a test which will utterly confound all such unscriptural arguments, viz.
Is she not devoted to the good Apostle to trudge all this way on foot?
St. James theApostle was for centuries the Patron Saint of Spain.
We know what a multitude of monasteries and nunneries sprang up all over the island in the very days of the first apostle and of his immediate successors.
The various lives of the apostle of Ireland and his successors are full of facts of this nature.
We proceed to examine, then, the kind of idolatry which its first apostle encountered on landing in the island, and the ease with which it was destroyed, so as to leave behind no poisonous shoots of the deadly root of evil.
But it is known that St. Ancharius, the first apostle of Denmark, could not establish himself permanently in that country, and had to direct a few missionaries from Hamburgh, where he fixed his see.
When the virile apostle to the Gentiles "put away childish things," he kept these childlike qualities.
Or they may remain from beginning to end without official status in any Church, like the apostle of the anti-slavery movement.
He prompted the Jews to slay Stephen; and the Church were scattered abroad, and went about preaching the word; and the young man at whose feet the witnesses laid down their garments became the Apostle of the Gentiles.
It is a very old Christian tradition that this Gospel is in some sense the Apostle Peter's.
The Apostle John never employs it, either in his 'gospel' or in his epistles, and in the Apocalypse the word is only once found, and then it may be a question whether it refers to the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
This prevailing tradition of Christian antiquity ascribes this Gospel to John Mark, sister's son to Barnabas, and affirms that in composing it he was in some sense the 'interpreter' of the Apostle Peter.
Apostle in calmer tones declares, 'I have great heaviness and continual sorrow of heart'?
The man must be first re-united to his Saviour, before the Apostle can be reinstated in his functions.
When the Apostle was sinking in the flood, Jesus Christ said no word of reproach until He had grasped him with His strong hand and held him safe.
Some confirmation of this alleged connection between the Evangelist and the Apostle may be gathered from the fact that the former is mentioned by the latter as with him when he wrote his First Epistle.
I wonder that such people do not think of a certain passage, which must forever explode such a theory, where the Apostle says, "Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
If these infirmities had been sins, we should have the outrageous anomaly of an apostle of Jesus Christ glorying in his sins!
As the apostle John says: "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed.
We will just turn to a beautiful illustration (there are many, if we had time to go into them) of the working of this Divine Charity in the heart and life of the very apostle who wrote this 13th of Corinthians.
This Apostle is reverenced by the Romans and held in awe above all others.
For they came hidden under the colonnade which extends[114] to the church of the Apostle Peter.
But when Belisarius in the beginning undertook to tear down this portion and rebuild it, the Romans prevented him, declaring that the Apostle Peter had promised them that he would care for the guarding of the wall there.
Now there is a certain church of the Apostle Paul,[146] fourteen stades distant from the fortifications of Rome, and the Tiber River flows beside it.