Greek: antiphona], through the Saxon antefn, a word which originally had the same meaning asantiphony (q.
The culprits poured out for a while an antiphony of explanations, which died out at last in a miserable silence.
They went on in an antiphony of praise till March said: "Really, I don't see what's left me but to strike for higher wages.
Antiphony was the ancient mode of rendering music, in which two sets of voices sang alternately.
The Sistine Chapel is draped entirely in black, and only the soft rays of thirteen wax candles serve to lessen the darkness, out of whose depths, as out of the blackness of the tomb, sounds the antiphony of mourning and lamentation.
A silence as of some high-arched cathedral reigned, broken occasionally by the antiphony of feathered songsters in the trees overhead.