The utterances of this the most brilliant prelate of the Anglican Church received a sort of antiphonal response from the leaders of the English Catholics.
The Carmen Christo quasi Deo dicere secum invicem in the report of Pliny (ยง 22, 2), may be classed with the antiphonal responsive hymns of the church.
When, a little later, he heard the shaken woman's antiphonal sobs, the realization of how low he had fallen kept him from looking at her.
The war was not the only cause of the necessity of Mademoiselle Simone's opposition to antiphonal Gregorian singing.
We followed the wave of his hand, and climbed meekly aboard, although at lunch we had been carrying on an antiphonal hymn of praise to the pleasure and benefit of shanks' mare.
His antipathy was especially aroused by the musical practice of the established Church, particularly the antiphonal chanting, "tossing the psalms from one side to the other," to use one of his favorite expressions.
This may with some reason be held to refer to responsive or antiphonal singing, similar to that described by Philo in his account of the worship of the Jewish sect of the Therapeutae in the first century.
A notable instance of the transference of Oriental custom into the Italian Church is to be found in the establishment of antiphonal chanting in the Church of Milan, at the instance of St. Ambrose, bishop of that city.
Opposition to the use of the surplice, the sign of the cross in baptism, the posture of kneeling at the Lord's Supper, and antiphonal chanting, expanded into uncompromising condemnation of the whole ritual.
It was he who first employed the method which became a notable feature of the music of St. Mark's, of dividing the choir and thus obtaining novel effects of contrast and climax by means of antiphonal chorus singing.
In respect to musical usages, the most distinct intimation in early records of the continuation of ancient forms is found in the occasional reference to the habit of antiphonal or responsive chanting of the psalms.
The components of the "service" are to be distinguished from the daily psalms which are always sung in antiphonal chant form, and may be said to correspond to the choral unvarying portions of the Catholic Mass.
They vigorously denounced what was known as "curious music," by which was meant scientific, artistic music, and also the practice of antiphonal chanting and the use of organs.
The delirious man beside him answered his query with another verse; the antiphonal response rose again from the valley.
Howbeit, once started in he sang it through, and only paused when the antiphonal voices and organ ceased.
One of the most beautiful uses of the double choir is to produce antiphonal effects, choir answering to choir, both occasionally uniting in the climaxes.
It is, however, in most cases very difficult to know whether the hymn is actually antiphonal or not.
It has already been pointed out in a previous chapter, that the use of the refrain in the Assyrian hymns, as in the case of the Hebrew hymns, indicates antiphonalresponses between priest and choir, and choir and choir.
Finally there is now appended to this chapter the discussion of three hymns, which might perhaps be better called dramatic rather thanantiphonal compositions.
Here again it is shown that the presence of a refrain is no certain proof of antiphonal rendering, since the repetition is in the mouth of the individual Ishtar.
Antiphonal hymns, beginning as it does with fourteen lines spoken by man in praise of Ramman, and continuing with Enlil's charge to Ramman in the next twelve lines.
The consideration of the place of the refrains, the antiphonal renderings, the divine oracles will help us to understand the use of the hymn in the Hebrew cult.
In this same class of Antiphonal hymns belong two hymns with a veritable din of repetitions.
Since these two refrains are both in a passage spoken by an individual, it must be concluded that in this hymn at any rate the refrain is used, not for antiphonal rendering, but for impressiveness, perhaps for magical power.
This mode of rendering the music of the Church is of very ancient origin; it prevailed in the ancient Jewish worship as the antiphonal structure of the Psalms indicates.
The peculiar structure of the Hebrew psalms renders it probable that the antiphonal method originated in the service of the ancient Jewish Church.
In the Latin Church it was not practised until more than two centuries later, when it was introduced by Ambrose, bishop of Milan, who compiled an antiphonary, or collection of words suitable for antiphonal singing.
Aristophanes has presented us with a beautiful example of antiphonal Parthenia at the end of his Lysistrata, where choruses of Athenian and Spartan girls sing turn and turn about in rivalry.
Flavian and Diodorus madeantiphonal chanting of the psalms a required part of the church service at Antioch.
One of his notable works was a motet, entitled "Spem in alium non habui," written for eight choirs of five voices each, in antiphonal style.
Finding two organs in St. Mark's he introduced antiphonal writing into the music of his time.
The former followed Willaert's plan of writing for antiphonal choruses, but he employed most frequently three instead of two.
The staff-directions with the music indicate the part or cue of the antiphonal singers by the words Decani (Dec.
The "Ambrosian Chant" was the antiphonal plain-song arranged and systematized to statelier effect in choral symphony.
The rhetoric of love is strong in every note and syllable of the solo, and the tender chorus of voices swells the song to heaven like an antiphonal prayer.
For in early times they stood like a crown round the altar, and thus sung the Psalms in one body: but Flavianus and Theodorus taught the antiphonal method of chanting, having received it from S.
Holy Trinity to introduce antiphonal singing into the church of Antioch, from which it quickly spread to other churches.
Every reader recognises traces of antiphonal singing; but it is difficult to separate the parts with certainty.
They who stand in the earthly courts and they who circle the throne that is reared above the visible firmament are parts of a great whole, an antiphonal chorus.
But this does not necessarily involve the supposition of an antiphonal song.
But it will fall into the general antiphonal scheme, if it is regarded as a prelude, sung by the same voice which twice answers the single singer with choral assurances that reward his trust.
Under skilful training this may have sounded quite effective, but it is natural to suppose that, the antiphonalextension having been made, the next stage was not long delayed.
A trope was next composed for antiphonal singing on Easter Monday, as follows: Quem quaeritis?
The Puritans had objected to the antiphonal element in the Prayer-Book services, and desired to have nothing of a responsive character allowed beyond the single word Amen.
It is in the words of Holy Scripture, it is the precise metrical equivalent of "O Lord, save the queen," and it is directly antiphonal to the versicle which follows.
So far as concerns precedent, it ought to be enough to say that the words are our Lord's words, and that they were thrown by him into a form which readily lends itself to antiphonal use.
Their antiphonal singing turned into dialogue, and then became drama at the end of the thirteenth century.
Christian antiphonal singing, like the Greek mystery acts of Dionysus, helped to develop the drama.
The antiphonal chanting was introduced into the West by Ambrose; and if it inspired or even accompanied the Te Deum usually ascribed to that prelate, we cannot calculate too highly its effect on the Christian mind.
The cathedral chanting of England has almost alone preserved the ancient antiphonal system, now discarded by the Roman Catholic Church for its greater variety of instruments.
The antiphonal singing, in which the different sides of the choir answered to each other in responsive verses, was first introduced at Antioch by Flavianus Diodorus.