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Example sentences for "antiphonary"

Lexicographically close words:
antipathy; antiperiodic; antiphlogistic; antiphon; antiphonal; antiphons; antiphony; antipodal; antipode; antipodean
  1. One of them, Romanus, was received and entertained by the monks of St. Gall, and was persuaded to remain with them as teacher of church song according to the Antiphonary which he had brought with him from Rome.

  2. On the following afternoon Mr. Morris ran in to Chris's carrel, and found him putting the antiphonary and his implements up into a parcel.

  3. This ceremony is mentioned also in the Antiphonary of S.

  4. There are also said to be a psalter and antiphonary of the fourteenth century, and a Bull of Urban V.

  5. The most important of these is a contemporary document, part of which has been copied on a blank page of a fourteenth-century Antiphonary of Armagh (T.

  6. On the last leaf of an ancient service book of the monastery, known as the Antiphonary of Bangor (Facsimile edition by F.

  7. One of them, according to the opinion of Muratori, was the famous Antiphonary of Bangor, which Dungal brought from that great school at home, and fittingly restored to Irish hands at his death.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "antiphonary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.