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Example sentences for "anterior margin"

  • Size small to medium; greatest length of skull less than 34 mm.

  • The color pattern is the same in both juvenal and adult pelages.

  • B Anterior margin of mesopterygoid fossa even with plane of posterior wall of M3; postorbital bar weakly developed; anteroposterior occlusal length of M3 equal to, or less than, combined length of M1 and M2.

  • B' Anterior margin of mesopterygoid fossa decidedly behind plane of posterior wall of M3; postorbital bar strongly developed; anteroposterior occlusal length of M3 more than combined length of M1 and M2.

  • Anterior margin of wing, to which the neurae or ribs are affixed.

  • Thus the tip travels at a higher speed than the root, and the posterior margin than the anterior margin.

  • Anterior margin of the right wing, consisting of a rigid rod.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anterior margin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    anterior margin; anterior part; closely pursued; command the; departed spirits; five per; full satisfaction; geological evidence; hard tack; know but; local authorities; look you; middle life; moderate fire; moral sense; more prudent; possessive case; she looked; strange city; then says; two and; well paid; wooden walls