You will all of you give ear [the ancestresses and ancestors] you will continue giving strength and spirit that they [the bride and bridegroom] may be well.
All the clans trace their descent from ancestresses (grandmothers) who are called Ki Iwabei Tynrai, literally, grandmothers of the root, i.
It seemed to me when she got her veil up that she was more wonderful, not belonging to any century in particular, but to all time, as if thousands of lovely ancestresses had given her something of themselves as a talisman.
Apollonia had brought it to the beloved Signorina, as her ancestresses in the wild mountain village might have laid offerings on Baal's shrine.
But if other changes in the crests of important families be considered, I think it will be very evident that practically the whole of these are due to the inheritance through heiresses or ancestresses of an alternative crest.
As surely as Mr. Gough is alive now, our ancestresses were accustomed to partake pretty freely of strong waters.
She would not care to read the volumes, over which her pretty ancestresses wept and thrilled a hundred years ago; which were commended by divines from pulpits and belauded all Europe over.
She did, as is known, a thing that her simple Knickerbocker ancestresses would have approved--presented Crocker to the St. Michael and left the decision modestly to the men.
The voice of many Knickerbocker ancestresses spoke in her, and between herself and a real emergency she interposed the impenetrable buckler of a conventionality.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ancestresses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.