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Example sentences for "adverted"

Lexicographically close words:
adversities; adversity; adversum; adversus; advert; advertence; adverting; advertise; advertised; advertisement
  1. The reasons would appear to be important for insisting that each order should be ordinarily confined to a single transaction, with slight exceptions, some of which are elsewhere adverted to.

  2. The advantage of pre-arranged forms of train orders for the cases ordinarily occurring has been already adverted to, and is now fully recognized.

  3. Even before the debate here adverted to, the Syracusan generals had evidently acted upon views more nearly approaching to those of Hermokratês than to those of Athenagoras.

  4. Other important topics are adverted to in the report, accompanied by recommendations, many of which have been treated at large in previous messages, and at this time, therefore, need only be named.

  5. In my last annual message I adverted to the claim on the part of Turkey of the right to expel as persons undesirable and dangerous Armenians naturalized in the United States and returning to Turkish jurisdiction.

  6. It will be remembered that our Lord adverted to this fact, as a justification of His own disciples for plucking the ears of corn and eating them on the Sabbath.

  7. The friendship between David and Jonathan will fall to be adverted to afterwards; meanwhile we follow the course of events as they are detailed in this chapter.

  8. We have adverted to that high reverence for God which was the means of restraining David from lifting up his hand against Saul, because he was the Lord's anointed.

  9. Those we have adverted to are enough to repel the assertion that there were not two separate incidents of the same kind.

  10. Two things in this part of the chapter have yet to be adverted to.

  11. She then adverted to home, and said, "You know how happy and united we were all here, once on a time.

  12. I think I told you that he received many letters by the post, and to some of them he adverted as being very important and requiring immediate attention.

  13. The settlement of the Samoan problem, to which I adverted in my last message, has accomplished good results.

  14. But having already adverted to this subject, I shall here only quote the observation of a wise man, that "Fear is a betraying of the succours that reason offereth[230].

  15. The first of these need not be here adverted to.

  16. In 1788 an alarm was excited in this country by the probability of importing, in cargoes of wheat from North America, the insect known by the name of the Hessian fly, whose dreadful ravages will be adverted to hereafter.

  17. But the chief cause, perhaps, is the occasion (hereafter to be adverted to) which the spider sometimes has to employ its threads in their finer and unconnected state before they unite to form a single one.

  18. These changes I do not purpose explaining minutely in this place: they will be adverted to more fully in subsequent letters.

  19. In this letter he likewise adverted to the treatment of American prisoners in New York; several who had recently been released having given the most shocking account of the barbarities they had experienced.

  20. He had not sufficiently adverted to the fact that, among the prohibited articles, cotton was also a product of the Southern States.

  21. It is much to be lamented that we cannot assign the particular events and conjunctures here adverted to.

  22. The reasons offered to prove the Platonic project impossible, are principally founded upon the very sentiment above adverted to, and derive all their force from being associated with it.

  23. An immense variety of topics, belonging to man and society, is adverted to more or less fully.

  24. The gentleman has not adverted to the extreme harshness of the language he employed when he was first up, and he would appeal to gentlemen present for the correctness of the version he (Mr. A.

  25. He had only adverted to their triumph in England as an evidence of the sense of the English nation on the subject of free trade.

  26. But the means to which I have already adverted are not the only ones which this third class of ultra-Abolitionists are employing to effect their ultimate end.

  27. One general reason why the introduction of unknown objects into these groupings of the child is so pernicious, may also be here adverted to.

  28. The Adelantado then adverted to the wound of the cacique, and pretending to examine it, took him by the arm.

  29. In proof of this, he adverted to its arriving in the dusk of the evening; its holding communication 'with no one but the admiral, and its sudden disappearance in the night.

  30. Her mind now adverted to the future, losing sight, in a great measure, of the scenes of the past.

  31. Mother was good, if she was handsome," returned the girl, the tears starting to her eyes, as usually happened when she adverted to her deceased parent.

  32. During the discussion of the Constitution by the States, however, the absence of a guarantee of the freedom of the press was frequently adverted to.

  33. It was, therefore, no surprise when Jackson adverted to the situation, and in his annual message asked for legislation denying such publications the facilities of the postoffice.

  34. The extent to which it may do so by further enactments I have already adverted to, and the wisdom of Congress may yet enlarge them.

  35. The objection taken by the ministry of Charles X, and removed by the explanation made by our minister upon the spot, has already been adverted to.

  36. I have thus adverted to all the subjects connected with our foreign relations to which I deem it necessary to call your attention.

  37. I have already adverted to the suggested construction of a ship railway across the narrow formation of the territory of Mexico at Tehuantepec.

  38. To this end I recommend that authority be given to accept the gifts adverted to in Japan and Siam, and to purchase in the other countries named, with provision for furniture and repairs.

  39. It is a remarkable fact, but one that I believe I have already adverted to, that the farther north, towards the valley of the Wakefield, the more denuded of timber the country becomes, until at last not a tree of any kind can be seen.

  40. I then adverted to the natives, and interdicted all intercourse with them, excepting with my permission.

  41. This effect (already adverted to) has been known since Bradley's time as "aberration.

  42. He adverted also to the influential effects upon stellar types of varying surface gravity, which being a function of both mass and bulk necessarily gains strength with wasting heat and consequent shrinkage.

  43. The curious fact has, moreover, been adverted to by Dr.

  44. A consideration first adverted to by Olbers proves these to originate in our own atmosphere.

  45. Father Secchi, however, adverted to a distinct mention of a prominence observed in 1239 A.

  46. Motion-displacements of Fraunhofer lines adverted to by Fizeau.

  47. And it happens that the differences of angular movement adverted to attain a maximum just about the latitudes where spots are most frequent and conspicuous.

  48. All attributes, therefore, are to us nothing but either our sensations and other states of feeling, or something inextricably involved therein; and to this even the peculiar and simple relations just adverted to are not exceptions.

  49. The only way to solve the doubt would be that which we have so often adverted to, viz.

  50. The still greater perversion by which Feeling is sometimes confined not only to bodily sensations, but to the sensations of a single sense, that of touch, needs not be more particularly adverted to.

  51. These propositions occupy, however, a conspicuous place in philosophy; and their nature and characteristics are of as much importance in logic, as those of any of the other classes of propositions previously adverted to.

  52. Words not otherwise connotative may, in the mode just adverted to, acquire a special or technical connotation.

  53. He then adverted to his past history, and told them how much he had suffered in consequence of their divisions and quarrels.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adverted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.