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Example sentences for "aduanced"

Lexicographically close words:
adscititious; adscripti; adsorbed; adsorption; aduance; aduancement; aduancing; aduantage; aduaunce; aduaunced
  1. Then the earle aduanced forward in good hast, making no repose or abode in anie one place.

  2. The king on this fridaie, verie erlie in the morning, aduanced his standards and in good order of battell hauing diuided his armie into three wards, marched through the plaines of Cotteswold.

  3. For you my singular good lord, by your vertuous acts and noble feats, haue gotten to you in manner an immortall fame, which in euerie mans mouth is extolled & aduanced aboue the high clouds.

  4. The middle-ward was gouerned by the prince, vnder the conduct of the lord of saint Iohn, and the lord Wenlocke (whome king Edward had aduanced to the degree of a baron.

  5. Walter bishop of Canturburie departed this life in Nouember, and then Simon Mepham was aduanced to the gouernement of that see.

  6. The prince vnderstood by the prisoners, that the French king was so farre aduanced forward in pursute of him, that he could not auoid the battell.

  7. And that euer traitour was either trusted or aduanced I could neuer yet reade, neither can I at this time remember any example.

  8. All these hee stripped of their states, and in place of them aduanced his Normans: insomuch as scarce any noble family of the English blood did beare either office or authoritie within the Realme.

  9. And yet besides more then ordinary fauour of countenance, the King aduanced him, first to be his Chancellour, and afterward to be Bishop of Duresme.

  10. At the last Radulph Bishop of Rochester was aduanced to the See of Canterburie; and notwithstanding all former agreements and decrees, the King inuested him with Ring and with Staffe.

  11. Againe, when the Duke after his great victorie at Hastings aduanced his armie towards Hartford-shire; Fredericke Abbot of S.

  12. This enterprise was much aduanced by the authoritie and industrie of Henry Newborow Earle of Warwicke, who appeased all opposition that was made against it.

  13. Chiefly he aduanced diuers of them to the best degrees of dignitie in the Church: by whose fauour Duke William afterward was both animated & aided in his exploit.

  14. Hereupon King William sent Clito Edgar with an armie into Scotland; by whose meanes Dunwald was dispoiled againe of his Kingdome, and Edgar sonne to King Malcolme aduanced to his fathers estate.

  15. Likewise if a father be aduanced to any title of honour, as Duke, Earle, Marquesse, &c.

  16. Hee had gouerned the Kings expenses of house when hee was but a Prince of priuate estate; whereby he gained that reputation for integritie and skill, which aduanced him to a higher trust.

  17. For no sooner was the Earle aduanced to that estate, but he raised a great hostilitie against the King of England: as well to recouer the Duchie of Normandie, as either to relieue or to reuenge the hard captiuitie of his father.

  18. Guymund his Chapleine (obseruing that vnworthy men for the most part were aduanced to the best dignities of the Church) as he celebrated Diuine seruice before him, and was to read these words out of S.

  19. The king also aduanced Robert Bloet, to the Bishopricke of Lincolne: a man whose wisedom was highly graced, with goodly personage, and good deliuery of speach: from whom notwithstanding the king afterwards wiped fiue thousand markes.

  20. As[82] that sonnes borne after their father is aduanced to a dignitie, doe hold certaine priuiledges, which sonnes formerly borne doe not enioy.

  21. George Greinuile, who descended from a yonger brother of that family, and through his learning and wisdome, aduanced his credit to an especiall good regard in his Countrey.

  22. At the townes end, Cuddenbeak, an ancient house of the Bishops, from a well aduanced Promontory, which intituled it Beak, taketh a pleasant prospect of the riuer.

  23. King Egbert hauing got this victorie, was aduanced into such hope, that he persuaded himselfe to be able without great adoo to ouercome the residue of his neighbours, whose estates he saw plainlie sore weakened and fallen into great decaie.

  24. He aided Burthred the king of Mercia against the Welshmen, and greatlie aduanced his estimation, by giuing vnto him his daughter in mariage.

  25. Odo, Dunstane as then remaining in exile, from whence he was immediatlie reuoked by Edgar, and first made bishop of Worcester (as hath beene said) and after the decease of Odo was aduanced to be archbishop of Canturburie.

  26. After this, he began to remember his speciall freends, of whome some he aduanced to honour and dignitie, and some he inriched with goods and possessions, euerie man according to his deserts and merits.

  27. And after that with these honors he was returned to Rome, he was aduanced by all the degrees of spirituall dignities into the college of the cardinals.

  28. Iohns was aduanced in his place, a right noble and manlie knight, but not beloued of the commons.

  29. And for the better maintenance of the estate of these noble men, whome he had thus aduanced to higher degrees of honour, he gaue vnto them a great part of those lands that belonged to the duke of Glocester, the earles of Warwike, and Arundell.

  30. And now young Lords, was't not a happy starre Led vs to Rome strangers, and more then so; Captiues, to be aduanced to this height?

  31. For our aduantage, therefore heare vs first: These flagges of France that are aduanced heere Before the eye and prospect of your Towne, Haue hither march'd to your endamagement.

  32. Peda or Peada, the sonne of Penda king of Mercia, who being a towardlie yoong gentleman, and woorthie to haue the guiding of a kingdome, his father Penda aduanced him to the rule of that kingdome of the Middleangles during his owne life.

  33. At length he grew in such fauour, that he was aduanced into the seruice of king Adelstane.

  34. Egelred being greatlie aduanced (as he thought) by reason of his mariage, deuised vpon presumption thereof, to cause all the Danes within the land to be murthered in one day.

  35. Stanza 19: Examples of such as haue aduanced thẽselues to the Crowne of France against the strict letter of the lawe Salique, in the two following Stanzas.

  36. Edmund Holland earle of Kent was in such fauour with king Henrie, that he not onelie aduanced him to high offices and great honors, [Sidenote: He marrieth a daughter of Barnabo lord of Millane.

  37. The malice which the lords had conceiued against the earle of Cornewall still increased, the more indeed through the high bearing of him, being now aduanced to honour.

  38. Herewith the said sir Gilbert being aduanced in pride, proclaimed himselfe duke of Northumberland, and ioining in freendship with Robert Bruce the Scotish king, cruellie destroied the countie of Richmond.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aduanced" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.