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Example sentences for "adoo"

Lexicographically close words:
adolescens; adolescent; adolescents; adonc; adonde; adopt; adopted; adopter; adopters; adopting
  1. Now when he awaked, he lept foorth of his bed, got his sword in his hand, & called his seruants to come & helpe him.

  2. Malmesburie writeth: for he saith, that king Henrie with small adoo brought into his hands duke Robert, who with a great troope of men came against him then lodging néere the said castell of Tenerchbray.

  3. Much adoo there was about this matter at the first broching thereof, and more adoo there had beene, if the legats presence had not somewhat staied the parties.

  4. The lord Iohn de saint Iohn comming to submit himselfe vnto the king, at the intercession of diuerse noble men, with much adoo had his pardon at length granted him.

  5. My reported captur by the North American savijis of Utah, led my wide circle of friends and creditors to think that I had bid adoo to earthly things and was a angel playin' on a golden harp.

  6. I bid her a kind adoo and giv her sum pervisions.

  7. But London upon the same tale areysen, and every man to harneys on Corpus Christi even, and moche adoo there was.

  8. King Egbert hauing got this victorie, was aduanced into such hope, that he persuaded himselfe to be able without great adoo to ouercome the residue of his neighbours, whose estates he saw plainlie sore weakened and fallen into great decaie.

  9. And yet the Romans, which ruled this land, and had so much adoo with the people thereof, make mention of diuerse other people, nothing so famous as Boetius would make his Scotish men euen then to be.

  10. King Edmund in the morning when the light had discouered the departure of his enimies, followed them by the tract, and comming to London with small adoo remooued the siege, and entered [Sidenote: The Danes ouercome at Brentford.

  11. Paule, in such wise to aske him forgiuenesse, and so with much adoo they obteined absolution.

  12. Ther is moche adoo in the Northe, as men seyn; I pray yow be ware off yowr guydyng, and in cheff off yowr langage, and so that ffro hense fforthe by yowr langage noo man perceyve that ye ffavor any person contrary to the Kynges plesur.

  13. As ffor the worlde I woot nott what it menyth, men seye heer, as weell as Hogan, that we shall have adoo in hast; I know no lyklyhod but that suche a rumor ther is.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adoo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.