Either they knew nothing of the mystery at all, or in a degree too insignificant to affect the authority of Vasari, and the claims of John ab Eyk and Antoniello.
If Colantonio was in possession of oil painting, how is the astonishment to be accounted for, which the method of John ab Eyk excited at Naples?
It will, therefore, be used in the following section, which deals with the relationship of the Conte du Graal and the Mabinogi of Peredur ab Evrawc.
Mabinogi of Peredur ab Evrawc and the Thornton MS.
Dafydd ab Gwilym, "the greatest genius of the Cimbric race and one of the first poets of the world.
Kneeling before those active objects which stir up our hearts to worship, if it be necessary in the church, it must first be proved lawful both in the church and out of it.
The reason of the proposition is clear, because the commission of teaching belongs to every single minister, so that if the power of ordination be within that commission, it must needs belong to every single minister.
Why do our divines controvert with the Papists, de adoratione euchuristiae, if Papists adore it not in the participation?
Where he laboureth to prove that obedience to the magistrate in a thing indifferent is a better duty than the pleasing of a private person in such a thing.
If it be said, that they necessarily follow upon those first principles and conclusions which a natural man receiveth, I answer, This shall never be proved.
I will begin with the last respect first, as that which is the weightiest.
Now, their taking of offence, though it proceed of weakness, yet is sinful; for their weakness and ignorance is a fault, and doth not excuse them.
If an opposite, writing against us, be forced to acknowledge this much, one may easily conjecture what enforcing reason we have to double out our point.
This holds ever true of an erring conscience about matters of fact, and especially about things indifferent.
One would think that nothing could be answered to any of these things, by such as pretend no less than that they have devoted themselves to bend all their wishes and labours for procuring the imitation of venerable antiquity.
The prince, by a public instrument, took the Earls and their associates under his protection; and the Lords of the Council bound themselves to indemnify them against the effects of the royal displeasure.
Although never styled “Earl of Pembroke†until the accession of Edward II.
A large austral land is represented with the inscription "Hanc continentem australem nonvulli Magelanicam regionem ab ejus inventore nuncupant.
In the southern continent we read "America ab inuentore nuncupata," and near the Antilles "Iste insule per Columbus genuensem almirantem et mandato regis castelle invente sunt.
The Antilles are referred to in the legend "iste insule per Columbum Genuensem Almirantem ex mandato regis Castelle perite sunt," and in South America "America ab inventore nuncupata.
On the Atlantic, near the American coast, is the following legend 'Virginia primum lustrata, habitata, et cultu ab Anglis impensis D.
With reference to this point Schöner says, "Unde longissimo tractu occidentem versus ab Hispani terra est, quae Mexico et Temistitan vocatur superiori India, quam priores vocavere Quinsay id est civitatem coeli eorum lingui.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ab" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.