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Example sentences for "yore"

Lexicographically close words:
yoong; yoonger; yoongest; yoor; yoost; yores; yoreself; yori; yoshi; you
  1. The almond eyes and the midnight hair, The rosebud mouth and the rounded chin-- Time had not touched them; they still were fair, And the passion of yore grew strong within.

  2. What are yu doin' down here an' where are yore pardners?

  3. Every time yu opens yore mouths yu gets closer to th' Great Divide," enlightened that person, and they were childlike in their belief.

  4. Red's got a few remarks to shout to yu about yore pain-killer.

  5. Red stopped and grabbed his bibulous friend as that person veered to starboard: "Yore a peach of a life-preserver, yu are!

  6. Shorty took no apparent notice of this but began to shout: "Yu wants to keep yore busted-down cows on yore own side.

  7. Yu pass th' word along to yore friends, an' tell them to lay low an' see th' Arory Boerallis hit this town with its tail up.

  8. Hopalong looked straight ahead, and when he spoke the words sounded as though he had bitten them off: "Yore right, Buck, but I gits first try at Thirsty.

  9. He turned and looked: "Yore hair is pretty--I allus did like brown hair.

  10. Would you like to have me tote it to you, or do you reckon you could toddle this far with yore little old iron?

  11. I'll go yore little old gunfight to a finish, but I don't want any cold steel in mine.

  12. In the reign of Henry VII, the Lancasterian party having the upper hand, they resumed their name of Tyndale, which had been borne of yore by many noble barons.

  13. Not more numerous were the contests witnessed in times of yore on the classic banks of Xanthus and Simois.

  14. In days of yore it is said that the seasons became jumbled.

  15. Marie is not a word of either Arabic or Dankali derivation; whence it seems not improbable that this bold range of hills may in days of yore have been named by some wanderer from the West.

  16. Tradition asserts that "the Hill of Glory," now barren of trees, was in days of yore thickly covered with forest, through which ran a single path.

  17. You may 'a' seed me leave meetin' right in the middle o' some o' yore talks.

  18. Dem yore lazy hides, ef you don't come on I'll empty this bucket o' slop on the ground an' you kin root fer it.

  19. I was on yore farm in Bartow not long ago, an' I sorter liked the lay o' the land.

  20. Ef all the men concerned in this county was after you like you are after Nelson Floyd, they'd be on yore track wuss'n a pack o' yelpin' wolves.

  21. An' that is yore duty to yore wife an' childern that would be throwed helpless on the world ef this thing had 'a' tuck place to-day.

  22. Well, I started to say Sally don't cry over other folks' matters unless they are purty sad, an' you know at the time you refused to tell me what yore trouble was.

  23. Tear 'im from yore young heart 'fore the roots o' yore love git too big an' strong to pull out.

  24. It read: "Deer Bat: Got yore $100 all right, but doant send by that man again.

  25. Then thEy wood sHp a bridlE ovEr yore hEAd & brink u bAk.

  26. Air wAs An oRful time wheN i giv um yorE lEttEr.

  27. You'll sure find it'll s-stick to yore ribs," Blister said cheerfully.

  28. I never heard tell he was yore best friend.

  29. You've made up yore minds to go through with this thing.

  30. If you s-stay outa that game you'll earn t-twenty-five bucks the quickest you ever did in yore life.

  31. You'll get yore bones busted an' yore red haid cut open.

  32. If it ain't yore shoe I'll take it along with me.

  33. Is it yore notion we'd oughta sit around with our hands in our pockets, Blister, while reptiles like this Houck make our girls swim the river at night an' plough barefoot through snowstorms?

  34. We'll come a-runnin' if we hear yore guns pop.

  35. You manage yore business if you've got any.

  36. You know all yore life you're only a worm.

  37. When you're scared or all in, stretch yore grin another inch.

  38. So it's yore shoe after all," he grinned.

  39. O THOU, whose presence went before Our fathers in their weary way, As with Thy chosen moved of yore The fire by night, the cloud by day!

  40. The fights fought of yore Famed him, and laced him with epaulets, and more.

  41. So besides bein' a Lutts--yore a hoss thief t' boot, air ye?

  42. At night I will send for thee, and appoint the tasks I would have thee accomplish.

  43. I think it was the fashion of the ladies of yore to arm and send forth their knights to high achievement.

  44. So to the Sirens' rocks they draw, a dangerous pass forsooth In yore agone, now white with bones of many a perished man.

  45. He seized a lofty pine, whose roots of yore Struck deep in earth, to guard the sandy shore From hostile ravage of the mining tide, That rakes with spoils of earth its crumbling side.

  46. A blooming miracle of yore Despised his godship's sovereign power; They call'd her name Alcimadure.

  47. For if thy back of yore This burly planet bore, Thy arm can set me free.

  48. Grown old and blind, I sing no more, Thy saints in heaven sing sweet and strong, Yet take the songs I made of yore For echoes to Thy birthday song.

  49. Spear-Danes of yore days, so was it That we learn'd of the fair fame of kings of the folks And the athelings a-faring in framing of valour.

  50. There was of yore a Soldan of Babylon (1), by name of Beminedab, who in his day had cause enough to be well content with his luck.

  51. And plese youre maistirshyp to wete that my Maister Clement, youre brothyr, and Plater, wrot a letter to my mayster yore sone[299.

  52. And I enqueryd hym of the gyding of my maystyr yore sone, whiche he comendyd gretly, and seyd that he stood well inconseyt, and dayly shuld increse; and he was well in acqueyntaunce and be lovyd with jentilmen aboute the Kyng.

  53. I allow yuh'll have to put yore gun in the next pot if you want to stick along," he said.

  54. When he had apparently satisfied an inordinate thirst he looked up at the man across the river and said: "Say, could I git some grub in yore camp?

  55. But what'll yuh do with a thousand cattle on yore hands?

  56. If yuh punchers like a good job you'll get yore owners out o' this.

  57. Put down yore guns, boys," said Sims after a moment's thought.

  58. Mebbe yuh don't like yore flowery bed of ease out there, what?

  59. First thing yuh know this feller'll tell yuh he's bought the Bar T away from yuh without yore knowin' it.

  60. Yuh no more'n got yore back turned than he carried on with Juliet all the time.

  61. Yuh never stuck up fer a man like that in yore life, Julie," he accused her severely.

  62. Take yore time, Miss Julie," pleaded Stelton, riding closer to her.

  63. Get yore punchers an' bring grub for a week.

  64. Don't call yore ranch names," admonished Jimmie with a grin, and fainted.

  65. The sportsman's rifle only hast thou heard Scaring the rabbit and the timid bird; Or may be in the savage days of yore The wolf and bear have bled upon thy shore.

  66. Boucicault, whom I knew well of yore in America, introduced it into something.

  67. If yo' dunnot mean her harm, tak' yore belongings and leave Riggan to-morrow morning.

  68. Little Jud Bates said as yo' had a class o' yore own, an' it come into my moind as I would ax yo' about it.

  69. Is na it th' one as yore feyther's so bitter agen?

  70. Yore feyther wur axin me about th' engineer," Liz said to Joan the next morning.

  71. You better not be ketched wid a book in yore han's.

  72. You better not be caught wid no paper in yore han' if you was, you got de cowhide.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    past; yesterday; yore