I thought her waking up to a better state of mind, through the irrepressible yearnings of a soul that could find no sustenance amid the husks of this outer life.
What was there in him to satisfy a true woman's yearningsfor conjunction with a kindred nature?
Your lowyearnings are within you, and the outside thou makest clean!
As they watched he began to talk in fevered half-dream, half-delirium words, phrases and broken sentences that revealed the inner yearnings and conflicts of his soul.
You have no disappointed hopes, and fruitless yearnings for friendships and affections lost for ever, to spread the golden pathway of the sky with a dull, gray pall.
This feeling, this hope, would make my going very tranquil, were it not that even now all the tender yearnings of a father's heart for the welfare of his child are as strong upon me as ever, Helen.
These restless yearningsand thirstings, remember, are the work of God.
Christ has listened to the yearnings of our hearts and has entered in.
Montgomery smiled too, but a close observer would detect in him the yearnings of a young man from whose plain face the falling fruit is ever invisibly lifted.
All his yearnings would be satisfied if he did, his life flow into a single channel instead of into many.
She described the great mountains that enclosed her father's estate, her loneliness in this giant garden, due to his morose severity of character, her yearnings to escape and see the big world beyond the ridges.
The mind of some one far away, as yet unknown, was searching for him in thought, sending forth strong definite yearnings which came to rest of their own accord in his own being, a garden naturally suited to their growth.
She was a woman of feelings not only more mature but far stronger than Vivien's; she had ambitious yearningswhich never crossed Vivien's simple soul.
She often told herself that the feelings were merely dangerous and the yearnings silly.
And only there was peace, only there was joy, only there was the death of those ancient yearnings that tortured his little personal and separate existence.
In this stranger he imagined a sense of companionship that by some magic of alchemy transformed his deep loneliness into joy, and satisfied his passionate yearnings by bringing their subjective fulfillment within range.
No doubt she had centred all her romantic yearnings and all her maternal cravings on you.
She often prayed for him, not that she believed in Purgatory and its deliverance, but rather because the act soothed painful yearnings which she could not dispel by reason alone.
He too had his yearnings and anxieties, although he did not express them by kissing anything or crying upon anything.
I cannot linger over these happy moments, so fraught with deepest joy, and yet so shadowed by undying memories and unutterable yearnings for those who were not!
And they let him go in peace, knowing the unutterable yearnings of his soul.
Like the boy, they have skinny purses, voracious appetites and mighty yearnings to make the best possible impression within their means.
He composed a vindication of his love for the young in an exquisite piece;[289] but it has none of the yearnings of the bowels of tenderness.
The aspirations, the ideals, the yearnings of the girl attach themselves to some man as their fulfillment; the chivalrous feelings, the desire to protect and cherish, the passion for beauty of the man lead to some girl as their goal.
In this I have no doubt she found only an incomplete satisfaction for her yearnings and desires, but she had something to take up her time, and built up contacts with others in a way that was impossible in her lonely home.
When he thought of it there stood before his eyes the figure of the outcast who had profaned his yearnings for art.
All his secret yearnings appeared to him now like a crime committed against his father's house.
The yearnings which I used to have towards it in those unfledged years!
I have felt yearnings of tenderness towards some of these faces--or rather masks--that have looked out kindly upon one in casual encounters in the streets and highways.
Then pity first sprang up in angelic bosoms; and yearnings (like the human) touched them at the sight of the immortal lame one.
Another shall have been expanding your heart with generous deeds and sentiments, till it even beats with yearnings of universal sympathy; you absolutely long to go home, and do some good action.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yearnings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.