But, alas, how wretchedly low and contemptible is that State of Mind, that cannot be pleased but by what is the Subject of Lamentation.
This is evidently only Shakspere's early tentative form, issued, moreover, by a piratical publisher from thewretchedly imperfect notes of a reporter sent to the theater for the purpose.
Cain' and 'Heaven and Earth,' though wretchedly written, have also a vaguely vast imaginative impressiveness.
The characters and the situations of Fielding are so wretchedly low and dirty that I cannot imagine any one being interested in them.
Levet is lately married, not without much suspicion that he has been wretchedly cheated in his match[1096].
I have been wretchedly dissipated, so that I have not written a line for a fortnight.
So you see I shall have neighbours all winter--two neighbours, for Mrs. Ledwith is wretchedly ill and her physicians have advised her to remain here all winter.
Once after that we had a passing glimpse of English soldiers, a group of wretchedly ill men, with their wounds uncared for, stumbling along to the station.
In one corner, on a bench, sat a row of wretchedly poor women and white-faced, silent children, the latter shod more miserably than the poorest negro child in Marshallton.
After my anger had passed, I was wretchedly unhappy.
But since a good part of it takes too much pleasure in a war with God, it is but just that all those who refuse peaceably to submit themselves to the Author of Peace, should perish wretchedly in their mutual tumults.
It was a sketch in pencil--wretchedly drawn; but spitefully successful as a likeness.
I have nothing to reproach myself for, and some day they will reproach themselves for having made me so wretchedly unhappy.
No, monsieur; your cravats have been wretchedly tied lately, and your trousers don't fit as tight as they used to.
Roncherolle would not live in such a wretchedly furnished room; besides, this sick old gentleman in the chair must be at home.
It is blowing a gale of wind with heavy rain and wretchedly cold; if Napoleon's ghost haunts his dreary place of confinement, this would be a most excellent night for such wandering spirits.
In such a voice as might be expected from a hopeless heart and fainting frame--a voice wretchedly low and faltering--I asked if a servant was wanted here?
Enoch could not recall ever having been so wretchedly uncomfortable in his life.
Milton had been wretchedly sick, all day, but he made no complaint and forced down the handful of boiled beans and the tin cup of pale coffee that was his share of each meal.
The church is supported by two rows of pillars neatly carved in stone, but wretchedly proportioned.
I was much disgusted at finding this beautiful inclosure so wretchedly neglected, and its luxuriant plants withering away for want of being properly watered.
These immense properties are of course underlet, and wretchedly cultivated.
Palatial hospitals and asylums of course abound, but the Parliament House is wretchedly small.
But if they were not so ill-kept, and the footpaths so wretchedly paved, I could forgive the narrowness and crookedness of the Sydney streets, on account of their homely appearance.
Had he lost her he would have been a broken man, wretchedly and sentimentally absorbed in her memory for the remainder of life.
While the Chinese people consumed little they were not able to engage in the more highly productive forms of labour--that is, their labour had a wretchedly small utility because of the wretchedly small cost at which it was produced.
We have but to compare the general moral tone of society to-day, wretchedly imperfect as it is, with that existing in the time when this superstition had its strongest hold.
It is wretchedly unbeautiful, though just as we were getting ready to leave it we did have one genuine vision.
I pretended to be interested in a wretchedlynew and cheaply woven rug.
Thus the prince was appointed imperial swineherd, and as such he lived in a wretchedly small room near the pigsty; there he worked all day long, and when it was night he had made a pretty little pot.
She felt wretchedly certain that if he revisited her just at this nick of time, and came into contact with Boldwood,a fierce quarrel would be the consequence.
The villages in the neighbourhood are generally wretchedly dirty and untidy in appearance; the growth is only stunted bamboo, and the whole place uninviting enough.
The ball was wretchedly stupid; and, after that disagreeable Lady Vivian irritated me by talking of you, I could not stay.
His book was a wretchedly poor one, generally speaking, and it could be no credit to either of us to appear between its covers.
Jean was at the wharf to meet us, blue and shivering with the cold, for it was wretchedly bleak there, and I had the feeling that she should not have come.
Now, wretchedly out of sorts, he plunged his face and hands into a shady pool with a sigh of vast materialistic content, longed to linger and cursed the village posse he fancied at his heels.
Brian stared wretchedly into the dank white mist curling in the moonlight like a fallen cloud.