The Inglissmen was wondyr laith to fle; Full worthely thai wrocht in to that place.
A knycht Skelton, that cruell was and keyn, Befor him stud in till his armour scheyn, To fend his lord full worthely he wrocht.
With thre thousand that worthely had wrocht, Syne prewaly out fra the ost he socht.
Costis herfor was no man bond to me; In this sentence I had na will to be, 1440 Bot in als mekill as I rahersit nocht Sa worthely as nobill Wallace wrocht.
Wallace and his so worthelythai wrocht, Full feill thai slew that sarest on them socht.
Thre dayis still with in the toun thai baid; Syn brak doun werk thatworthely was maid.
He led thir lordis in Ross with outyn mar; At the Stokfurd a stark strenth byggit thar; 1030 Kepyt that land rycht worthely be wer: Till thair enemys thai did full mekill der.
If any hym for his dedes worthely accuse He couereth his venym: as symple of intent.
But the fame of these twoo Oratours, nei- ther the enuious nature can diminishe their praise, nor the ignoraunt be of them a arbitrator or iudge, so worthely hath all ages raised fame, and commendacion of their vertues.
But of these thynges peraduenture some man wyl thynke I haue spoke to much & so myght I worthely be thought, except that almoste all men dyd in this poynte so greatly offende, that hereof a mã cã neuer speke inough.
But very worthelydoth Plutarch rebuke it, because that so much the more he shuld haue wyshed to haue had Diogenes philosophye, howe muche the greater hys dominion was.
To whom may be giuen a Theatre of the world, and stage of humaine misery, more worthely than to him that hath with comely gestures, wise demeanor, and orderly behauiour, been an actor in the same?
Wherefore worthely might he be intitled, with the honourable name of a second Romulus.
Sa weile defendyt he his men, 55 That quha-sa-evir had seyne him then Prove sa worthely vasselage, And turn sa oft sythis the visage, He suld say he awcht weill to be A king of gret rewate.
Douglas attacks the Forayers] Qwhen the King on this maner 315 Dantit the Iles, as I tell her, The gud Schir James of Dowglas In-till the Forest duelland was, Defendand worthely the land.
For I wald it warworthely "Broucht thar, sen God will nocht that I "Have power thiddirward till ga.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "worthely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.