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Example sentences for "workhouses"

Lexicographically close words:
workes; workest; worketh; workforce; workhouse; workin; working; workingman; workingmen; workings
  1. The evil Examples in Workhouses a great cause of the Corruption of Morals.

  2. At this time there were one hundred and twenty-three workhouses open, and great as the people's aversion was to them the inmates went on steadily increasing.

  3. The possession of a way ticket would entitle a woman to admission to the workhouses on her route, and if she was tramping with her husband she should be allowed to discharge herself on the morning after admission so as to join her husband.

  4. Some workhouses are to be avoided like poison.

  5. In the course of the day we heard the merits of most of the workhouses near, and of some far away.

  6. If they are able-bodied, their services will be useful in many workhouses for domestic work, as there is often a difficulty in getting sufficient help from the ordinary inmates.

  7. We thought that we should be able to sample only two workhouses after the first night, expecting to be detained two nights at each.

  8. She knew the workhouses far and wide, and had had her tussles with the authorities.

  9. The classification of workhouses and their adaptation to various necessarily destitute classes, such as epileptics, feeble minded and aged, might remove much destitution, placing it under humane conditions.

  10. All masters of workhouses witness how this tends to make a forced migration in a limited circle.

  11. In many workhouses there are receiving wards where female vagrants could well be lodged for a night or two; but in any case we do not think that there need be any insuperable difficulty in arranging for their reception.

  12. We "pay the piper" in small-pox hospitals, workhouses and hospitals, for where the commonest matters of cleanliness are neglected how can infection be avoided?

  13. We were told that the blankets were "often stoved," but I have since ascertained that they are not stoved at all workhouses every day.

  14. Those who knew other workhouses declared that this was "the worst they knew.

  15. They had examined and convinced themselves that, as regards the destitute poor, their workhouses were free from blame.

  16. In our workhouses large bodies of people live under discipline, who, without it, would most of them be a danger or a drag on the community.

  17. Particular workhouses to be devoted to harmless lunatics, who now crowd the asylums, by a common action of the workhouse authorities within certain areas.

  18. The dispensing medical officer is to visit the insane at large, but those in workhouses are to be left to the tender mercies of attendants.

  19. The condition of workhouses is proved by this Report to be most unsuitable for the reception of the insane; yet they contained in 1879 one quarter of the pauper lunatics of the country.

  20. School buildings belonging to certain workhouses were suggested as auxiliary asylums, as in Dublin, Cork, etc.

  21. I don't know whether the union workhouses will remove it.

  22. To us it seems that the more economical plan would be to apportion certain wards in the various workhouses for the reception of chronic cases, and to draft off the idiots alone to special establishments.

  23. As to the method of Poor Law administration in dealing with inmates of workhouses or in the distribution of outdoor relief, I say nothing.

  24. It is, in fact, in such establishments as our workhouses that our "progress" is to be seen most clearly.

  25. The President and Governors of such workhouses may set rogues and vagrants to work in the workhouse.

  26. Provision made for setting up workhouses in London and within the Bills of Mortality.

  27. Provision for setting up workhouses in London and within the Bills of Mortality.

  28. The President and Governors of such workhouses may set rogues and vagrants to work in the workhouse with the consent of the Privy Council.

  29. The Poor Law Guardians had improved the workhouses and the infirmaries, and the dispensaries were continuing to do their useful work.

  30. The destruction of human life in other workhouses of Ireland kept pace with the appalling mortality in the Cork workhouse.

  31. In pastoral districts the towns languish, the people pine in poverty, and the workhouses are in request.

  32. It was also easy for me to get an insight into the workings of different police organisations along the line, and to inspect carefully lock-ups, jails, workhouses and penitentiaries.

  33. Some of our workhouses are already run on this basis, several counties contributing toward the support and maintenance of each.

  34. Because the poorer parishes of London were having problems supporting their poor, a Corporation for the poor of London was established in 1647 with authority to erect workhouses and houses of correction.

  35. A hospital was established for abandoned foundling children in 1739 so they wouldn't die, as they usually did, in the care of parishes or workhouses or be exposed in the streets or left on door steps of the wealthy.

  36. There were some Quakers schools and some Quaker workhouses to give work to the poor.

  37. The guardians of the workhouses of Manchester have a most difficult task to perform, especially in times of commercial depression, as thousands are thrown upon their hands at once.

  38. Indeed a better education is now given in Workhouses than can be obtained for children under twelve years of age at any paid school that we know of.

  39. Many of them live nomadic lives, and make occasional use of workhouses and similar institutions when the weather is bad, after which they return to their uncontrolled existence.

  40. Half idiots of both sexes in our workhouses look at each other, and then take their discharge after a mutual understanding.

  41. The prisons are their sanatoria, the workhouses their homes of rest, and the casual ward their temporary conveniences.

  42. Vagrancy, with its attendant evils, would be greatly diminished, many prisons would be closed, workhouses and casual wards would be less necessary.

  43. For this civilisation makes no provision excepting temporary sustentation in hospitals, workhouses or prisons.

  44. Most of these men, women and children find their way into prison, workhouses and casual wards at some time or other.

  45. Philanthropic societies receive some of them, workhouses receive others, but these institutions have not, nor do they wish to have, any power of permanent detention, the cost would be too great.

  46. Fewer prisons, workhouses and hospitals would be required.

  47. The system of workhouses acted well in England, where a sort of slave labour was adopted in them, to force the idle to seek employment elsewhere; but what could be expected from it in Ireland where men worked for twopence per day?

  48. The hundred workhouses which it was proposed to erect would afford shelter and relief to eighty thousand persons in Ireland only; and he asked, what proportion that bore to the mass of destitution in Ireland?

  49. Of course, all workhouses are not so bad as this, but many are, and have been during the three-quarters of a century of their existence.

  50. From London workhouses and elsewhere children were poured into the labour market, and by the 'Apprentice System' were bound to serve their masters for long periods and for long hours together.

  51. It must have been a puzzle, too, for the Poor Law Commissioners, who were then building workhouses in these parts for the purpose of depauperizing hand-loom weavers on the less eligibility principle.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "workhouses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.