He said as it wor a hawful thing to die unforgiven.
It comforted me when I wor so long in prison to think as he might be fretting fur it, and never guess as the lad he were so 'ard on had it.
He said it over and over, until I wor fain to ax him wot I could do to get furgiven, fur he did say it wor an hawful thing to die without having parding.
I 'ad put my 'and to a bit of paper widhout knowing wot it meant, and I wor made to pay for it, and the notes they seemed real 'andy.
I wor young and I did it rare and clumsy; it wor to pay a debt, a big, big debt.
She kep' it when I worlocked up; I allers call it my bit o' revenge.
See there goodness, aspiration, the loveliest instincts, stifled, strangled by fate, in the form of our own brute nature.
Words are no veil between us and him, but a luminous cloud that upbears us both together.
He has not that power which a mind, only in part sophisticated, may retain, where the heart still beats warmly, though it sometimes beats amiss.
Amid his delight at the botanical riches of the new and elevated region in which he is travelling, we catch, if only by echo, the hem and chuckle of the French materialist.
That wor wy father and mother changed 'is name from Jack to Trusty, 'cause 'e wor faithful to you, Pepper.
Allus for his-sen, wor Baldwin, and t’ owder he gets t’ worse he becomes.
It wor fated to be so,” said old Ambrose; but Jagger regarded it as an act of Providence.
T’ first time he tracked him there, wor t’ night Maniwel’s roof-tree wor let down.
It wor different wi’ t’other, and there worno smiles for him, I can tell you.
But I wadn’t have none of ’un, because a’ worso tricksy.
Howsomever I didn’t zay ‘noo’ to wance, for a’ wor the most wonnerful chap I ever zee.
He coom a-coortin’ of me, the taime as I wor ruckoned the purtiest maid in arl the parish of Westdown.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.