They are the spirits of devils, working miracles," and form an important proof that we are near the end of time.
For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
In the fifth place, the promise which Jesus made that the power of working miracles should be given to true believers, gives authority to the belief in miracles in the Lives of the Saints.
On this principle the holy doctor proves that Jesus Christ is God, since He has given to those who believe in Him the power of working miracles, which His disciples actually did, and which His servants now do.
To say that he possessed the power of working miracles, is an inadequate statement of the fact.
Whenever our Lord is represented as working miracles, he is always represented as performing them by a power which was inherent in himself.
Thus St. Paul claims acceptance for the things which he asserted because he had been taught them by Revelation from Jesus Christ, not because he had proved their truth, by working miracles in confirmation of them.
The saint was supposed to have in himself some inherent power of working miracles, bearing a considerable analogy to that which the woman with the issue of blood believed to be possessed by our Lord.
And we may ask, is it conceivable that an intimate friend of Christ should have believed Him to be the Everlasting God, unless He had claimed to be so Himself, and had supported His claim by working miracles, and rising from the dead?
We are also told, more than once, that Christ's power of working miracles was conditional on the faith of the person to be healed, so that in one place He could do scarcely any miracles because of their unbelief.
And this implies not only that the miracles were done in public, but that his readers as well as himself believed that the power of working miracles belonged to all the Apostles.
In the same way the discussions about working miracles on the Sabbath Day have a very genuine tone about them and it is difficult to imagine them to be inventions.
Thus endowed, it is difficult to imagine what he thought he would have gained by purchasing from the apostles their gift of working miracles.
He pretended to the faculty of working miracles, and of superseding and altering the ordinary course of nature.
The doctor, who had the gift of working miracles, told the sultan that, with his consent, he would give him a practical proof of the possibility of the circumstance related of Mahomet.
Miracles are related to have been performed in support of all religions without exception; even the followers of Mahomet, though he did not claim the power of working miracles, have said that he did.
Such a disposition is shown in the Samaritans, who make a contrast with Simon in that they believed Philip preaching, while Simon believed him working miracles.
The power of working miracles, and of communicating supernatural gifts, was not confined to them, but is found exercised by other believers, as well as by a whole 'presbytery.
We have no intention of conjecturing what these "powers" were supposed to be; it is sufficient that we show they cannot rightly be exaggerated into an assertion of the power of working miracles.
Buddha was compelled to resort to his unbounded power of working miracles, and with it overcame at last the obstinate and blind resistance of the proud Rathee.
The power of working miracles is, therefore, inherent in perfection; and it is greater or smaller in proportion to the degree of perfection possessed by individuals.
He was said to have lived underground in holy solitude or converse with the gods for twenty-three years, and during that time to have been taught magic by the goddess Isis, and thus to have gained the power of working miracles.
By the Egyptians he was looked upon as the favourite of Heaven; he claimed the power of working miracles by his magical arts, and of foretelling events by his knowledge of astrology.
Koran, in which Mahomet not only does not affect the power of working miracles, but expressly disclaims it.
Whether There Is a Gratuitous Grace of Working Miracles?
Hence it is impossible for the principle of working miracles to be a quality abiding as a habit in the soul.
What further from human weakness than the power of working miracles?
Remembering, then, this very close connexion between the authority of Apostolic teaching and the power of working miracles, we may fix a criterion for recognising the exercise of the supreme office in teaching.
It is interesting, however, to trace in portions of the early literature, the development of the doctrine that Buddhahood meant first transcendent knowledge, and then supernatural faculties and the power of working miracles.
And here it may be remarked that one feature of the Buddha's relics was that they gave forth on special occasions celestial light, and had the power of working miracles.
His unwillingness to ask for the grace of working miracles; his demand that the fanatics should work miracles to substantiate their claims; his allusions to the power of his own prayer in restoring the sick to health.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "working miracles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.