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Example sentences for "winges"

Lexicographically close words:
wines; wineshop; winey; wing; winged; winging; wingless; winglets; winglike; wings
  1. He backe returning by the Yuorie dore, Remounted vp as light as chearefull Larke, 8 And on his litle winges the dreame he bore In hast vnto his Lord, where he him left afore.

  2. Thy mercie's winges on mee O Lord display; Raise mee againe, and I shall them repay.

  3. His winges shall both protect and cherish thee, His faithfull promise shall thy buckler bee.

  4. With that strong g'ard of Angells which doe houer About his sacred person, daye and night: And with invissible winges his head doe cover, that danger's darts thereon may neuer light.

  5. Biforn hir stood hir sone Cupido, Up-on his shuldres winges hadde he two; And blind he was, as it is ofte sene; 1965 A bowe he bar and arwes brighte and kene.

  6. This Chauntecleer his winges gan to bete, As man that coude his tresoun nat espye, So was he ravisshed with his flaterye.

  7. He flew forth with his winges twayn, 1325 All drouping, dased, and dull.

  8. Good lady, if ye liste, now your help to me shewe, that am of your privyest servantes at al assayes in this tyme, and under your winges of proteccion.

  9. Favour me now and you shall change your states; Time shall be old no more, I will contract With Destiny, if he will spare his winges To give him youth and beauty, that we may Find every minute a fresh child of pleasure.

  10. Ro: By loues light winges did I oreperch these wals, For stonie limits cannot hold loue out, And what loue can doo, that dares loue attempt, 105 Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me.

  11. Why then add winges unto your heeles and fly, syr.

  12. Oh tis hee, My brother; and those rude and violent gusts That to this strange Road thrust my shipp per force, And I but late for new disasters curst, Have with there light winges mounted mee aloft, And for a haven in heaven new harbord mee.

  13. Oh, Mercury, that I had thy winges tyde to my heeles.

  14. In the Mask of Cupid he makes the God of Love "clap on high his coloured winges twain;" and it is said of Gluttony in the Procession of the Passions, "In green vine leaves he was right fitly clad.

  15. This Chanticleer his winges gan to beat, As man that could his treason not espy, So was he ravished with his flattery.

  16. Before her stood her sone Cupido, Upon his shoulders winges had he two; And blind he was, as it is often seen; A bow he bare and arrows bright and keen.

  17. On cherubs and on cherubines full royally he road And on the winges of all the windes came flying all abroad.

  18. He rode on hye, and did soe flye Upon the cherubins He came in sight and made his flight Upon the winges of windes.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "winges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.