I turned into a wineshop and ordered a dram of greenish mountainberry liquor, sipping it slowly and fingering the few bills and coins in my pockets.
At the fringe of the thieves market I paused outside a wineshop where Dry-towners were made welcome.
At the summit was a wineshop with mules tethered against the walls, and below the Tagus and the great bridge, and Toledo.
In the greenish shadow of the wineshop a smell of anise and a sound of water dripping.
The donkey stopped in front of a little wineshop under a trellis where dusty gourd-leaves shut out the blue and gold dazzle of sun and sky.
Il Cacciatore has been in the wineshop since sunrise, in colossal shooting-boots with cartridge-belt round his waist.
He smiled at his fate, he yielded to it with the easy indifference of the drunkard, smiling vaguely from the steps of the wineshop at things in general, at life and the road that stretched away into the darkness.
She buried herself gloomily in her dark corner, only leaving it to hunt up Jupillon and carry him off, with the mute violence of a wife dragging her husband out of the wineshop and leading him home by the arm.
In the wineshop where I halted for an afternoon lunch I got the shock of that summer's journey.
A lame man hobbling along the dark road gave me once more the threadbare answer, but walked some two miles at my side and left me at the door of a wayside wineshop that I should certainly not have missed even without him.
Two hours or more we ambled from wineshop to cafe cantante, enduring a deal of caterwauling and inane vulgarity by no means superior to a Friday-night performance on the Bowery.
I returned at evening to the wineshop to be greeted as a member of the household.
I dropped in at a wineshop and bespoke supper and lodging.
Sometimes before a wineshop or beneath a balcony, or in a broad market-square at evening, Phratos played; and the silver and copper coins were dropped fast to him.
She goes out softly at nightfall, and she slips to a wineshopfull of soldiers, and her lovers kiss her on the mouth.
And, turning to the old Jew, he told him what Tussmann had said about him and the events of the previous night in the wineshop and in Alexander Place.
He came into the wineshop last night with Leonhard, the goldsmith (where I happened to be taking a glass of wine to refresh me after a quantity of hard work which had occupied me till nearly midnight).
But when they reached a wineshop on the corner they entered to take a glass merely to cement good resolutions.
When they reached thewineshop on the corner of La Rue des Poissonniers they turned in mechanically.
But an hour later he quarreled with Lorilleux in a wineshopbecause the latter was so hardhearted.
He almost daily dropped into a wineshop with a friend; it was a place where he could chat a little, and where was the harm?
They went to one wineshopafter another, but no Coupeau.
That is a name they have given me, because when they drag me into a wineshop it is cassis I always take.
Later, after being tempted by one wineshop after another, they finally decided to return to their jobs, but were still dragging their feet.
And she called everyone to the door of the wineshop to see the clouds as black as ink which were rising rapidly to the south of Paris.
He bundled them all into a wineshop where they took some vermouth.
But one morning while he was drinking a glass with a friend in a wineshop in the Rue Saint-Denis, he perceived the hussy darting down the street.
Monsieur Madinier now gave his arm to Madame Lorilleux, mother Coupeau having remained behind in thewineshop on account of her old legs.
The wineshophad written its sordid story too legibly upon his features.
I was tortured with longings, I was not content with the children's lessons for my working hours, and the wineshop for my leisure.
The Roman inn, hospitium, or simply caupona, was a wineshop with accommodations for the night, provision being also made in most cases for the care of animals.
In view of the provision for heating water, we are safe in calling this a thermopolium, a wineshop which made a specialty of furnishing hot drinks.
The wineshop of which the plan is here given (Fig.
For the wineshop in which the graffito was found, see MAU, Bull.
Vidocq found the hunchback, but not her master, who had moved into another residence over a wineshop at the corner of the Rue Duphot and the Rue St. Honore.
It is enough to send a message for the man wanted, and he will appear at the wineshop round the corner, bringing, say, his tools to do some imaginary job.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wineshop" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.