The Southerne winde Doth play the Trumpet to his purposes, And by his hollow whistling in the Leaues, Fortels a Tempest, and a blust'ring day King.
As sailes to the ship, andwinde to the sailes, to which alludes the phrase so frequent in Scripture, Plerophorie.
Although as ships must tarrie winde and tide, And perfect howers abide their stinted time; So likewise, though of learning dailie tride, Space must be had ere wit may thereto clime.
They haue in some of these houses their idoles standing, and one sitteth by them in warme weather with a fanne to blowe winde vpon them.
The same day we passed Tropicus Cancri, still hauing the winde East Northeast, and in the euening we were vnder 24.
Not the ill winde which blowes none to good, sweet Knight: Thou art now one of the greatest men in the Realme Sil.
I, from the Orient, to the drooping West (Making the windemy Post-horse) still vnfold The Acts commenced on this Ball of Earth.
They were not so soone off from the coste, but the winde abated and they remained becalmed certaine dayes: but afterwards they had a lustie gale, that carried them forwards.
They doo ordinarilie go from one port to an other in three dayes; but to returne they are more than a moneth, for because the winde is contrarie.
For all the contradiction of the winde this same night, the foure hundred Chinos did put themselues within a league of the citie, vpon S.
And run Swifter then windeupon a field of Corne (Curling the wealthy eares) never flew.
The chiefe Ilands which keepe out theWinde and the Sea from disturbing the Harbours, are first Deare Iland, which lies within a flight-shot of Pullin-point.
When that I was and a little tine boy, with hey, ho, the winde and the raine: A foolish thing was but a toy, for the raine it raineth euery day.
Maie, where lying at anchor al that night, the next morning we set saile altogether hauing the winde at North East, wee set our course West Northwest, the weather being faire.
September, the sun East South East, wee saw England, a mighty blustering gale of winde from the South Southwest, wee sailed North Northeast.
The sun South and by West, the winde blew vp at West Northwest, wee sailed North Northeast, and North and by East, Lysborne was East of vs.
Munday the sixt of September, the winde westerly, we ran East, at noone wee sounded, the depth was 50.
Iune, at the breake of day the winde being at North East and by East, sixe of our ships sailed forwarde South Southwest, meaning to enter the Groine, and there to learne how al things stood.
All sodainely there clove unto her keele A little fish that men call Remora, Which stopt her course, and held her by the heele, That winde nor tide could move her thence away.
And so from 18 and two terces, we had the winde at East and Eastnortheast, and sometimes at Eastsoutheast: and then we reckoned the Island of Cape verde Eastsoutheast of vs, we iudging our selues to be 48 leagues off.
The 25 a faire temperate day the winde variable, and here we had three degrees and 29 minuts of latitude.
Falmouth, where we remained vntill the first day of Ianuary: at which time the winde comming faire, we departed thence, and about the 20.
And here we road still from the 14 of Februarie vntill the 14 of Aprill, with the winde at Southwest.
But the windeserued vs so, that at 33 degrees we did direct our course toward the point or promontory of Good hope.
But while we were in this consultation, the winde very luckily came about to the Northwest and caried vs directly toward Cape Comori.
In the morning we sayled with the winde at Southwest, and lay West and by North, but it prooued calme all that night, and the currant Southeast.
The 16 of Februarie we rode still in fiue fadom, and the currant ranne still to the Westward, the winde at Southwest, and the boat and pinnesse came to vs againe out of the riuer, and told vs that there was but ten foote water vpon the barre.
Go hie thee presently, post to the rode, And if the winde blow any way from shore, I will not harbour in this Towne to night.
The ship is in her trim, the merrie winde Blowes faire from land: they stay for nought at all, But for their Owner, Master, and your selfe An.
Nay come I pray you sir, giue me the Chaine: Both winde and tide stayes for this Gentleman, And I too blame haue held him heere too long Anti.
Which he did, and imbarked him selfe with a great companie of gentlemen, to whome thewinde was so fauourable, as he ariued at S.
The next day the winde chaunged, and the shippes hoisted vp sailes toward Leuant, and all that day prosperouslie sailed on their voyage.
The winde sits faire for newes to go to Ireland, But none returnes: For vs to leuy power Proportionable to th' enemy, is all impossible Gr.
Faire Christabelle, that ladye bright, Was had forthe of the towre; But ever shee droopeth in her minde, As nipt by an ungentle winde Doth some faire lillye flowre.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "winde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.