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Example sentences for "wheatears"

Lexicographically close words:
whear; wheare; wheat; wheate; wheatear; wheaten; wheatfield; wheatfields; wheatmeal; wheats
  1. Where wheatears frequent, their return is very marked; they appear suddenly in the gardens and open places, and cannot be overlooked.

  2. The wheatears seem to drop out of the night, and to be showered down on the ground in the morning.

  3. The opinion seems general that wheatears are not so numerous as they used to be.

  4. Earlier than that in the summer there was not a wheatfield where you could not find numerous wheatears picked as clean as if threshed where they stood.

  5. Wheatears may be seen if looked for in August on Hampstead Heath, and occasionally a few other large open spaces in or near London.

  6. On my return, in the spring of 1907, to this place I found a pair of wheatears in possession; they had fought the wagtails and driven them away and made their nest in the same place.

  7. Wheatears often run a considerable distance on the sward very swiftly, usually stopping on some raised spot of the turf.

  8. The dark sky thickens and lowers as if it were gathering thunder, as women glean wheatears in their laps.

  9. Woodchats, spotted cuckoos, hoopoes, and russet nightjars appear; lovely wheatears in cream and black adorn the palm-clad plain.

  10. A single ornithological remembrance shall be recorded--the abundance of certain northern-breeding species on the middle heights, especially common wheatears and skylarks.

  11. Kites beat along the stony hills, where wheatears and stonechats fluttered incessant, with dippers and sandpipers on the burn below.

  12. Two male wheatears have for some time been hopping about in each other's company, and one now makes a hostile demonstration against the other.

  13. On returning, at a quarter to five, I found the two wheatears still together, and precisely the same thing going on.

  14. Birds are few on these stony wastes, larks, wheatears and snow-finches being the commonest.

  15. Larks and wheatears ran along the ground in front of us, and small tailless marmot rats dodged in and out of their holes as we approached.

  16. We need not suppose that Wheatears prolong their stay on the coast in order to rest after their voyage.

  17. Early in August, when the young are fully fledged, the scattered colonies of Wheatears assemble for emigration on open downs near the sea.

  18. Fifteen tree sparrows, two white-crowned sparrows, one northern shrike, two wheatears and a few redpolls were noted there.

  19. On this date there was an abrupt increase in numbers of tree sparrows; the number of Lapland longspurs and wheatears was less than a week before.

  20. There was that season a solitary elder-bush higher up on the down among the furze which bore a heavy crop of berries; and when the fruit was ripe he watched the birds feeding on it, the wheatears among them.

  21. The only creatures on earth I loathe and hate are the gourmets, the carrion-crows and foxes of the human kind who devour wheatears and skylarks at their tables.

  22. On bright clear days few birds would be caught, but in showery weather the traps would all be full; this is because when the sun is obscured wheatears are afraid and take refuge under stones or in whatever hole may offer.

  23. Sidenote: THE LARK-GLASS] Although wheatears are no longer caught, the Brighton bird-catcher is a very busy man.

  24. But in the seventeenth, eighteenth and early part of the nineteenth centuries, wheatears were taken on the Downs in enormous quantities and formed a part of every south county banquet in their season.

  25. The wheatears love to haunt the old wall, and in summer are never far from it.

  26. Wheatears and such birds as build in low walls cannot afford to do this, but instead build neat nests leaving no trace without.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wheatears" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.