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Example sentences for "weak heart"

  • The world is too good to give up without remonstrance at the beck of a weak heart.

  • Left darling Mother in a very weak state in bed, with neuritis and a weak heart.

  • Angela had also been pronounced to have a weak heart, and this combined with a sudden, severe rheumatic attack completely prostrated her.

  • Be strong, weak heart, The path will be made plain; Be brave, faint heart, The bore will crawl away.

  • Be brave, faint heart, The jelly means to jell; Be strong, weak heart, The hopes are in the malt.

  • Thus, weak heart-action from any cause tends to disturb the normal adjustment between the two sides of the circulation--arterial and venous.

  • Mention has been made of weak heart-action as a factor in catarrhal {465} gastritis; also mechanical impediments to the return of blood from the stomach to the heart.

  • If taken during an attack of palpitation and laboured breathing from a weak heart, the benefit of the infusion in tablespoonful doses is felt at once.

  • For medical purposes these terminal twigs are used (whether fresh or dried) to make a decoction which is of great use in dropsy from a weak heart, but it should not be given where congestion of the lungs is present.

  • Aconite: not to be used with a weak heart.

  • Chloral Hydrate: if the delirium follows a debauch; with caution in old topers and cases of weak heart; instead of sleep sometimes produces violent delirium.

  • Above all, those now about him did not know and should never know, if he could keep it, that he was thought to be possessed of a weak heart.

  • Because I have a weak heart, you know, and am forbidden any violent exercise.

  • They've all heard too much about my weak heart.

  • Baker told them Marilla had a weak heart, and I think it startled them.

  • I did make the most of her having a weak heart--you said so and Doctor Baker as well.

  • The other doctor said I had a weak heart.

  • Excessive use of alcohol, while tending to promote hypertension by the disturbances that it causes, may give, by causing a weak heart muscle, a permanent low blood pressure.

  • Alcohol: It is of course now generally understood that alcohol is not a cardiac stimulant in the sense of its being more than momentarily helpful to a weak heart.

  • A small dose of it, not more than one-eighth grain, especially if combined with atropin, will often quiet and brace a weak heart, especially when there is cardiac pain.

  • Always, from the very beginning, a dangerous enemy--mother's weak heart!

  • His family was at Godfrey Ledstone--three of his family, and one of them with a weak heart.

  • It would be sure to "get to" them somehow, and Mrs. Ledstone enjoyed the prestige of having a weak heart; it would never do for a thing like this to get to her without due precautions.

  • Your brother always had a weak heart, my lord.

  • He always suffered from a weak heart; even, I remember, as a lad.

  • He hasn't, for instance, to your knowledge, a weak heart?

  • That's all very well for you, Dick; but I have a weak heart, and I have to be careful.

  • He had, he said, a weak heart, and cycling did not agree with him.

  • Professor, don't you think it would be bad for Stacy's weak heart if he were to fill up on this bacon?

  • They sat down to a full meal once more, and Stacy Brown's "weak heart" was forgotten in the general good cheer.

  • The fact is, Mr. Vaughn, I've got a weak heart.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "weak heart" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    always feel; attack the; both sections; but could; call thee; dear aunt; each front; for all practical purposes; friendly power; good luck; great host; landing place; little pony; long spell; now that; only know; physical features; pure religion; ruling elders; tiny house; weak heart; weak point; weak solution; weak solutions; weak voice; weak woman