His wyfe suspectyth, and doth watcheor counterwayt Or hir mysdemyth and kepyth in stratly.
Sidenote: Theantiquitie used no Scoutes; The watche and warde of the Campe.
And to levye owte of hande & to putt in order as menye as convenyentlye yowe maye well weaperred & arayed keapyng good watche at the gates.
To fyghte for Yorke mie love ys dyghte[7] in stele; O maie ne sanguen steine the whyte rose peyncte, 10 Maie good Seyncte Cuthberte watche Syrre Roberte wele.
Go, hyde thee ynn mie tente annethe the lere; I of thie boddie wylle keepe watche & warde.
Heere ynn yis forreste lette us watche for pree, Bewreckeynge on oure foemenne oure ylle warre; Whatteverre schalle be Englysch wee wylle slea, Spreddynge our ugsomme rennome to afarre.
Which body was by the feete hanged vp there, and a continuall watche appointed to kepe the same.
They that were appointed towatche them, thought vndoubtedlie that their loue was past and ended, because she went not out of the Chamber, wher safely he coulde not see her, for that hee was forbidden the same.
When the watche sawe that straunge sight they were affrayde, thinking that they had bene Deuils indeede, and that he on horsebacke in that forme had ben the great Deuill Lucifer himselfe.
And seing him runne towardes the gibet, the watche toke their legges and ran away.
We will, as we will answer to the Lord Jesus, quho hes commandit his Ministeris to be had in reverence, as his ambassadours, and as men that cairfully watche for the salvatioun of our saullis.
The watche was negligentlie keipit, and so was the succourse slow, and lang in cuming; for the Frenche, befoir that any resistance was made unto thame, approcheit hard to the greit ordinance.
The watche whiche was come thether to drinke, perceiued not those two that were fledde; and Andreuccio being still in the bottome, when he had clensed him selfe, began to wagge the rope.
The other twoo perceiuing the watche at hande, left Andreuccio in the pitte and ranne awaye.
Tullus vnderstanding the death of their Prince, with great expedition marched into the countrie about Alba, pssiang by the Albanes campe in the night which by the watche and scoutes was skried.
But it chaunced that whiles he was thus clensing him selfe in the pitte: the watche of the citie (because they swette and the night was very hot), being drie and thirstie came to the pitte to drinke.
The watche sitting downe by the pittes syde caste of their clokes and layde downe their halbardes and other weapons, and began to drawe vp the rope, thinking that the bucket full of water was tied to the same.
When the watche sawe that, they for feare ranne away so faste as they could without speaking any worde.
A Catte, they saye, maye watche a kynge; Ye apotheme ys patte; Ye converse is a differente thynge: Noe kynge maye watche thys Catte.
By this tale ye may note also that they, the whiche fortune swetelye enbraceth, take theyr reste and slepe soundely; And contrarye wyse, they that bene oppressed with aduersite, watche sorowefullye whan they shulde slepe.
The morall boke, called Cato,[195] counsayleth vs to watche for the more parte: For moche slomber and slepe is the norisshinge of vice.
But than, because of greate watche that this preest had, he there sodenly felle aslepe; and whan this woman sawe him nat wyllynge to here her, she rose and went her waye.
And then me thought I harde you saye euen nowe that you had a watche word, at which word we wyll all stepforth, being fiue of vs besydes you, for you shalbe none because it is your husbande, but gette you to bed at your accustomed houre.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "watche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.