He had an eye of great quickness and vivacity, with a drollery and lurking waggery of expression that was irresistible.
There was something extremely provoking in this obstinately pacific system; it left Brom no alternative but to draw upon the funds of rustic waggery in his disposition and to play off boorish practical jokes upon his rival.
We see nothing in the story to establish the alleged vanity of Goldsmith, but we think it tells rather to the disadvantage of Burke; being unwarrantable under their relations of friendship, and a species of waggery quite beneath his genius.
That there was a vein of waggery in the old gentleman's makeup was proved by the fact that the Scout Master seemed to be trying hard to repress his merriment over certain remarks which Uncle Elk took pains that no one should overhear.
He went back into the house where he cheered Jack by his waggery for some time.
With the waggery that cropped up at the most unexpected times, he turned to George with the question: "Are you crying because he saved my life?
With the waggery of his nature this negro gravely informed them that he was really a wild animal that had been caught and tamed.
The liberties which he took with the names and reputations of public men showed that the old spirit of waggerywas not dead within him.
The intentional waggery of misinformation masquerading as truth begins where Field leaves the recital of his life to give what purports to be an analysis of his character and sentiments.
The bust bears a much greater resemblance to the Pretender; but whether this was a piece of waggery in the engraver, or only arose from his ignorance in drawing, must be left in doubt.
The bust bears a much greater resemblance to the Pretender; but whether this was a piece of waggery in the engraver, or only arose from his ignorance in drawing, must be left to doubt.
That bit of waggery being indicative (as Mr. Ward has comically painted it) of the ire of lions generally.
Gentleman's speech much mirth was excited by the waggery of one of the members whom the Hon.
This also must have been a piece ofwaggery on the part of those who first set such a report afloat, for no man in his senses would have ever thought of chasing privateers with the Fox frigate at the time of which I am now writing.
This rather annoyed some of our folks, but it might have been easily seen it was only a little waggery in which they had been indulging themselves.
The weight of Wilson's waggery fell upon honest Humphry and his spouse, who were bedded in an upper room, with the usual ceremony of throwing the stocking.
A curious instance of waggery anent this matter of length will be found in the register of St. Helen, Bishopgate.