Disappointment and chagrin soon took place of sportive playfulness in his countenance; and, muttering between his teeth, 'O ho!
With what slightly amused and cynical playfulness this Hamlet said: "I had thought some of Nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well; they imitated humanity so abominably.
His postures and his playfulness with the gardener, his natural and graceful movement, had been the subject of much drilling, of study and practice.
But a style of playfulness and gaiety had been introduced by Voiture.
They had parted in the utmost kindness; she wrote him a letter, full of playfulness and affection, on the road; but immediately on her arrival her father wrote to acquaint Lord Byron that she would return to him no more.
I am sorry he lost his temper to-day and broke up his coffin.
I put his name on the other sign when he was old and it did not please him, though I have insisted that he must share in all credit which comes to me.
This playfulness of ornament is remarkable in a building, whose architect appears, at first view, to have contemplated only grandeur and solidity.
There is in all real genius so much latent playfulness of nature it almost seems as if genius never could grow old.
But most of all he showed interest in and playfulness toward his mother and her doings.
Then, as the first novelty wore off, and he became more certain of himself in these swift-changing surroundings, he revealed a playfulness that tickled Felipe.
But it was his playfulness finally that brought him first needless suffering.
He is evidently of a much later period than Alciphron, to whom he is also very inferior in purity of diction, variety of subject, and playfulness of irony.
If one admits the worship of the Bambino, it is not unreasonable to include in it admiration of his rogueries, and the tenderplayfulness which is permitted to enter into this cult appeals profoundly to Indian women.
The idea of sport and playfulness is also prominent in Vishnuism.
Bhakti is often associated with the doctrine of the playfulness of God.
For the imagination of the Dravidians he is a great rhythmic force, throbbing and exulting in all the works of nature and exhibiting in kindly playfulness a thousand antics and a thousand shapes.
Cherry, rallying her playfulness to hide the extinction of that moment's hope; 'how like the good Christian who gave the wounded man the sermon first and the raspberry-vinegar after!
There is no playfulness or good-nature in his comedies.
He has been called a cynic, but the boyish playfulness of his humor and his kindly spirit are incompatible with cynicism.
But in some of his lighter bagatelles there are a homely wisdom and a charming playfulness which have won them enduring favor.
The playfulness was out of the day, and even the child felt serious.
Massinger had a certain playfulness, but it was the playfulness of a cat.
I have been led to ask myself this question by observing the extraordinary playfulness exhibited by a pet Skylark in extreme old age.
He never wearied of this game so long as he could induce a child or grown person to engage in it with him, and before he died, a year or so later, he developed a degree of playfulness that almost amounted to imbecility.