Where direct current is available the magnet is usually wound for 110 volts and connected to a circuit that is always alive.
The heat is proportional to the square of the current and a certain amperage, with two volts back of it, will produce just as much heat in given resistance as the same amperage with several hundred volts.
The third column gives the distance in feet which will cause a loss of 2 volts with the current given; thus a current of 70 amperes in a No.
Must each be provided with name-plate, giving the maker's name and the normal capacity in volts and amperes.
And this voltage only in connection with a three-wire system where the high voltage exists only between the outside wires, and 110 volts are used for lamps and other devices.
If our dynamo is producing a current of 100 volts E.
With a current of 50 volts a slight tickling sensation will be felt if the current is passing through.
Volts correspond to water pressure measured by pounds to the square inch; amperes represent the flow in gallons per minute.
By the use of resistance in series with the arc and using 220 volts as the supply, from eighty to ninety per cent of the current is lost in heat at the resistance.
As the ten-inch coil takes a primary current of ten amperes at sixteen volts when in operation, it requires very substantial platinum contacts to withstand the interruption of this current continuously without damage.
For spark lengths of the order of five to fifteen millimetres, the disruptive voltage in air of ordinary pressure is at the rate of 3,000 volts per millimetre.
To drive the shafting only while the elevator is coming down or idle would require about 150 volts or 1½ H.
At equal speed thevolts consumed on a single thread machine as compared with a shuttle machine is about as 2 to 3.
I think, be entirely fair to estimate the average volts per machine rather than per operator, as the user of the motor has contracted for power sufficient to drive his entire plant.
In this case, then, we have a minimum average of 3 volts per machine and a maximum of 4.
In average commercial use, however, the positions are reversed, and the ratio of volts consumed in the single thread as compared with the shuttle machine is about as 5 to 3.
Similarly, the volts lost or "drop" in an alternating circuit may be resolved into two components representing respectively 1.
With connections as shown, and with the full load current, the voltmeter indicates the impedancevolts of the transformer.
In modifying the formula, the "drop" should be expressed in percentage instead of actual volts lost, that is, instead of the difference in pressure between the beginning and the end of the circuit.
These two sets being connected in multiple series, we shall get 4 voltsand 30 amperes.
The speed and strength of the motor are regulated by the amount of iron and wire upon it, and by the volts pressure and amperes of electricity supplied to the brushes.
In the arc-lamps we must have a very high number of volts pressure, because the electricity has only one path, and it all has to pass through the first and other lamps till it comes to the last one.
In the incandescent light the electricity has as many paths as there are lamps, so we only need to keep one certain pressure in volts in the main wires all the time.
These rules hold good for connecting any number of batteries for lamps of any number of volts--that is to say, there should be calculated about two volts for each cell and an allowance made for drop in pressure.
The volts pressure used to operate any number of incandescent lamps is altogether very much less than for a number of arc-lights.
In electricity the volts of pressure act so as to force the quantity of current to flow through the wires at a certain rate per second, and the rate at which it flows is measured in amperes.
For this transmitter a direct current voltmeter reading from 0 to 15 volts is used.
To measure the pressure of a current in volts an instrument called a voltmeter is used, as shown at C in Fig.
Amplifying tubes are made to stand a plate potential of 100 volts and this is the kind you must use.
This tube is made like the amplifier tube described for use with the preceding experimental transmitter, but it is larger, has a more perfect vacuum, and will stand a plate potential of 350 volts while the plate current is .
Frank sat with his hand on the switch that would shoot a current of 500 volts through the copper wires surrounding the aerodrome when he connected it.
Frank, as he threw in the switch and 500 volts coursed through the copper wire both men were grasping.
Across these alternating mains are connected the primary coils of track transformers located at each signal, the secondaries of which supply current of about 10 volts to the rails of the track sections.
The small switch is connected into a control circuit which receives its supply of energy at 110 volts from a small motor generator set and storage battery.
Sir William Thomson found by exact methods of measuring that the increase of the potential with elevation is very important, and values about 100 volts per meter.
So that if the length of a transmission line is doubled, the circular mils for conductors of constant weight are divided by two, and the volts lost are four times as great as before.
Ten years ago when the first long transmissions were going into operation 2,000 volts was considered high for an alternator.
For a six phase converter OA measures about 180 volts diametrically, that is, between electrically opposite collector rings.
The horizontal line OA represents the alternating current voltage generated by the main poles, alone, with the regulating poles unexcited, that is, when delivering 250 volts direct current pressure.
The result is that the transformer giving only 97 volts will be subject to a reverse pressure of one volt from its mate.
In this case the line OA, representing the main field strength, will equal OB when the regulating field is not excited, and 250 volts can only be obtained at this adjustment.
Two hundred volts as a starter, three hundred as a reminder, and the full seven hundred if necessary to make the hint plainer.
I should have an electric battery connected with the upper cable of the fence, and an operator stationed inside of the house, close to a key which would send some six hundred or seven hundred volts through the cable whenever needed.
This is more economical than dry cells, as it gives about 4 volts and 3 amperes.
At the place mark the number of volts the cell reads when connected with a voltmeter.
In America, where electricity is adopted as the official means of destroying criminals, 1,500 volts is regarded as the lethal dose, but there are many instances of persons having been exposed to higher voltages without bad effects.
Stark, however, gives 17 volts as the minimum for ionization.
Lenard found that V for aluminium was about 3 volts and for platinum 2.
The value of X/p for which F(X/p) is a maximum is seen from the preceding table to be about 420, when X is expressed in volts per centimetre and p in millimetres of mercury.
To find the power of an electric current in terms of horse-power, find the number of watts by multiplying the volts by the amperes and divide the watts by 746 and the result will give you the horse-power of the current.
For example, if we know the electromotive force or difference of potential in volts and the resistance in ohms of an electric circuit, we can easily find the current in amperes.
From these it appears that an alternating current of 1,500 volts is deadly if it passes through the body for more than a few seconds and if the contact is perfect.
MacDonald goes so far as to say: No human being could survive the passage through his body of an alternating current of more than 1,500 volts for a period of even twenty seconds, contact being perfect.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "volts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.