The senators and vestal virgins vanished in smoke; the Sovereign of the World and his court were lost in thin air; every living creature was swallowed up in the yawning depths of a vast gulf.
Did'st never hear of the Pierian God, And the Nine Virgins on the Sacred Hill?
There Angel harps are sounding, while below Palm-bearing Virgins in white order go.
Oh, Belvil, you are blest with one which sighing virgins may repeat without a blush, and for it change the paternal.
Nor are the side doors less beautiful, with their lives of Abraham and Moses, and their smiling cherubs holding up medallions and lockets in which are figures of Virgins and Saints, and miniature scenes in delicate low relief.
For along the architrave of the nave, supported on antique marble columns, we saw a long procession of Virgins and Martyrs leading from the western doors to the arch of the transept, where the Madonna and the Saviour were enthroned.
For those Virgins are robed as daughters of the King, and they link the Mother of God in a gold and jewelled chain to the ancient town of Classis, without whose gates the galleys ride, with the wind in their billowing sails.
I see the massacre or captivity of our citizens, the rapes of our virgins and matrons.
Vpon that noble matron's auctoritye and interception, they ceassed from their filthy fact: and then the woman tooke the virgins out of the people's handes, and brought them into the chamber where there strangled mother was.
He entertayned the two Queenes with those virgins that were of excellent beauty, so reuerently, as if they had bin his sisters.
For since Love wore his Darts And Virgins grew coy; Since these wounded Hearts, And those cou'd destroy, There ne'er was more Cause for your Triumphs and Joy.
This temptation of evil passions may easily be remedied if there are only virgins or women available.
Children were not born merely to be ripped asunder--virgins to be ravished--men to be done to death by inches?
Virgins were tossed naked in blankets, while their fathers and brothers were compelled to watch their shame.
So many persons, in fact, deserted that the vestal virgins prayed in the name of the sacrifices that their desertions might be restrained.
Caesar on learning this took the documents containing the treaty from the vestal virgins and sent for Antony and Lepidus.
In addition to those gifts to Caesar they allowed the vestal virgins to employ one lictor each, because one of them had been insulted, owing to not being recognized, while returning home from dinner toward evening.
After recording these acts on tablets and sealing them they delivered them to the vestal virgins to keep.
All the lands which Romulus acquired he distributed among the citizens, except only what the parents of the stolen virgins had; these he suffered to possess their own.
Having thus performed his devotion, he went to sea, the sixth day of Munychion, on which day even to this time the Athenians send their virgins to the same temple to make supplication to the gods.
It continues a custom at this very day for the bride not of herself to pass her husband's threshold, but to be lifted over, in memory that the Sabine virgins were carried in by violence, and did not go in of their own free will.
St. Anthony himself is said to have laid its first foundations when he was hastening away into solitude, by establishing at Coma for the sake of his sister whom he was leaving behind, an association of virgins consecrated unto God.
Virgins devoted to God, who repudiated marriage, are spoken of as early as the 2nd century.
Great is my quill, to bring foorth such a birth, as shall abash theVirgins of our earth.
How many margent notes can we vnfold, Mourning for virgins that haue bene too blame?
So did this Virgins thoughts to her hart flock, Wiuing her danger, when her powers were lost: Hyrena will yeeld vp her maiden head, A gift to make Ioue proud, or silence bost.
And eke you virgins that on Parnass dwell, Whence floweth Helicon, the learned well, Help me to blaze Her worthy praise, Which in her sex doth all excel.
An epithalamium," he says, "was supposed to be sung by the virgins when the bride had retired to the nuptial chamber, whereas in this poem an earlier part of the ceremony is celebrated and described.
The stanzas of the former were supposed to be sung or recited in the person of the poet, who only exhorted the chorus of youths and virgins to commence the nuptial strain.
Poloty, Plate 128, has attempted to illustrate this parable, and has chosen the moment when the foolish virgins discover that they are unprepared.
The virgins made their public profession in the church; they received the veil from the hands of the bishop, and, for greater solemnity, they were distinguished by a kind of consecration.
Be assured, these virgins are not taken away from their families, nor from society--both will recover with usury what you imagine they have lost.
Even when the virgins and widows dwelt in the houses of their fathers, they did not cease to be reckoned among ecclesiastical persons; they received the support of the Church by this title, in cases of necessity.
When we see, in warlike rage, the barbarity of the conquerors remove all restraint from a licentious soldiery, and let them loose against the abodes of virgins consecrated to God, there is nothing but what may be conceived.
What will become of virgins devoted to the sanctuary?
I said a quantity, as I thought of the amount that the remains of the skeletons of eleven thousand virgins must produce).
My parents they will me disdain, Young virgins they will me deride, Oh!
The parable of the wise and foolish virgins suggests the situation, both in the foolishness of the unpreparedness and in the despair when the consequent disaster is seen approaching.
The difference between the wise and the foolish virgins was not a difference in knowledge but a difference in character.
That is an example for us of the power of virgins over dragons.
She remained kneeling during a considerable time, for the attitude of prayer is natural to discreet virgins and it shows off their figures.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "virgins" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.