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Example sentences for "verdicts"

Lexicographically close words:
verdaderamente; verdadero; verdant; verderers; verdict; verdigris; verditer; verdomde; verdure; verdured
  1. Smollett was to blame for not exercising his editorial scissors more freely on the verdicts of his collaborateurs.

  2. And yet it can hardly be denied that to solve that doubt by the brute force of an Act of Parliament, instead of bringing one of the special verdicts before the Courts to be argued, was a most provoking step.

  3. One special verdict would serve as well as a hundred such verdicts would do to settle the point of law between the Crown and the subject.

  4. Should they, then, bring one of the special verdicts on to be argued in Westminster Hall and abide by the judicial decision?

  5. It is presumed in law that all juries' verdicts are absurd, and experience proves that this is often the case.

  6. Juries' verdicts always seem to have been decided by lot like those of the famous judge in Rabelais, and it is proverbial at the law courts that it is impossible to foresee the issue of any case that comes before a jury.

  7. The verdicts of Mengs and Winkelmann became the oracles of Antiquaries, Dilettanti, and artists from the Pyrenees to the utmost North of Europe, have been detailed, and are not without their influence here.

  8. None of us may treat his verdicts disdainfully, for after all, his is the typically perfect mind, the mind the sum of whose demands is greatest, the mind whose criticisms and dissatisfactions are fatal in the long run.

  9. We grow as peremptory in our rejection or admission, as when a person presents himself as a candidate for our favor; our verdicts are couched in as simple adjectives of praise or dispraise.

  10. Fair and impartial verdicts mean verdicts not only fair to one side, but to both sides of a case on trial.

  11. It contrasts strangely not only with the verdicts given above, but with his jeers at Chevy Chase [Footnote: Ib.

  12. It would be unjust to charge all, or indeed any, of these with the narrowness of view betrayed in Johnson's verdicts on individual writers.

  13. Men (the jury of householders empanelled to deliver verdicts upon the ways of women) can almost understand that.

  14. To have accepted the verdicts of a single judge would not only have been manifestly unfair to the individual but also hazardous to the employer.

  15. The impressionistic verdicts gained from actual experience reflected the cumulative acumen of discernment which ever was and remains the issue of wisdom, empirical but authentic.

  16. The jury, by its moral judgment, corresponding in some degree to the equity of the ancients, is able to correct the summum jus with verdicts superior to the written law.

  17. Thus Was justice ever ridiculed in Rome: Such be the double verdicts favored here Which send away both parties to a suit Nor puffed up nor cast down,--for each a crumb Of right, for neither of them the whole loaf.

  18. This inaugural teems with moral verdicts, verdicts that define eternal issues irrevocably.

  19. And thus those verdicts and convictions had continental breadth.

  20. Never can it be said of Lincoln that his verdicts were snap judgments.

  21. Deep within those verdicts there throbs omnipotently a sense of moral duty, moral right, man's highest good and goal.

  22. Thus Lincoln's convictions and verdicts were unfailingly his own.

  23. The verdicts from the English juries are very materially smaller than the verdicts from American juries.

  24. And I was not wholly tranquilized by the verdicts rendered as above.

  25. And when the grand twelve-million jury Of our sins, with direful fury, Against our souls black verdicts give, Christ pleads his death, and then we live.

  26. It didn't perplex him that all the verdicts differed.

  27. In all there were thirteen or fourteen conflicting verdicts rendered, and so some uncertainty prevailed as to the precise cause of Cooley's death.

  28. The verdicts were being considered; no one said a word in the prisoners' favour; the vote was taken.

  29. At three o'clock all the verdicts must be in my hands; at five let the accused stand ready to hear their sentences.

  30. He has, however, no right to constrain the Courts to pronounce their verdicts in his name, although he need not allow them to pronounce verdicts in the name of the legitimate Government.

  31. In September 1870, after the fall of the Emperor Napoleon and the proclamation of the French Republic, the Court of Appeal at Nancy pronounced its verdicts under the formula "In the name of the French Government and People.

  32. It is, I believe, one of the esteemed privileges of juries to render verdicts utterly at variance with the testimony.

  33. I will not weary you with further details respecting jury verdicts in questions of mental capacity.

  34. Second--Juries do not render verdicts in accordance with the evidence.

  35. A portion of these writers advocate a jury recruited solely from the ranks of the enlightened classes; but we have already proved that even in this case the verdicts would be identical with those returned under the present system.

  36. It is for these reasons that juries are seen to deliver verdicts of which each individual juror would disapprove, that parliamentary assemblies adopt laws and measures of which each of their members would disapprove in his own person.

  37. Glajeux remarks, the verdicts have not changed, "they are neither better nor worse.

  38. We often like doing what we fully believe to be wrong and dislike doing what we believe right, without being in the least confused in our moral verdicts by this collision of liking and conviction.

  39. Indeed, we might convince ourselves that these verdicts are not meant to be expressions of private and personal liking in a still simpler way.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "verdicts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.