If frequent urination disturbs sleep, liquids may be withheld during the evening; but the total amount of water taken in 24 hours should not be diminished.
Infusion of the root is a good diuretic and is effective in difficult urination and gonorrhea.
Used in excess it produces bloody urine, painful urination and inflammation of the kidneys.
Diarrhoea with dark mulberry-colored stools without pain or tenesmus, but with mucus.
Examination showed an inflamed uterus, filling not only the true pelvis, and interfering with urination and defecation, but the enlarged uterus perceptible through the thick abdominal walls above the pubes.
The urine is scanty and high colored; there is sometimes scalding in urination and vesical tenesmus, and at the acme of the fever traces of albumen may be detected.
At first the patient experiences but slight pain in the head or elsewhere, and the quantity of urine is not notably diminished; but as the disease continues urination becomes less frequent and the urine more scanty.
When crisis occurs by copious urinationthe discharges are frequent, large, and of light color and low specific gravity.
Then the exudation becomes sensitive, the spontaneous pains recur, sleep is lost, and locomotion, defecation, and urination occasion acute suffering.
If the child fails to control the act of urination during the day at the end of the second year, and is addicted to habitual bed-wetting, some measures should be adopted to cure the condition.
Just when urination becomes a voluntary act depends upon the development and training of the individual child.
In cows and heifers the urethra is so short and becomes so widely dilated during the urination that the calculi easily escape in the flow of liquid and dangerous symptoms practically never appear.
There is paralysis of one or both of the hind legs, difficult urination and defecation, labored breathing, discharge from the eyes and nose, extreme thirst, and gradual extension of paralysis to other parts of the body.
Children not infrequently believe that the sexual acts of their elders have some connection with urination and defecation, and the mystery with which the excretory acts are surrounded, helps to support this theory.
The channels of urination and defecation are so close to the sexual centers that the intimate connection between the two groups is easily understood.
The expulsive efforts accompanying urination sometimes cause prolapsus of the rectum, and frequently produce inguinal hernia.
Dreams ofurination can be considered as typical convenience dreams.
In short, keeping off one's feet is the most efficient remedy for the treatment of frequent urination in pregnant women.
The treatment for this frequent urination consists in wearing a well fitting abdominal belt or corset, which raises the uterus and prevents pressure on the bladder.
I can remember ejaculating before urination in the school cabinet.
Another common ancient test of virginity by urination rests on a psychic basis, and appears in a variety of forms which are really all reducible to the same principle.
When, as is most commonly the case, it is the process of urination and not the urine itself which is attractive, we are clearly concerned with a symbolism of act and not with the fetichistic attraction of an excretion.
Urolagnia is certainly much the more frequently found; the act of urination is far more apt to suggest erotically symbolical ideas than the idea of defecation.
I was always interested in watching the urination of younger children.
In harmony with this passage from Régnier's novel are the remarks of a correspondent who writes to me of the function of urination that it "appeals sexually to most normal individuals.
The sexually symbolic nature of the act of urination for many people is indicated by the existence, according to Bloch, who enumerates various kinds of indecent photographs, of a group which he terms "the notorious pisseuses.
Italian masochist who experienced the greatest pleasure when both urination and defecation were practiced in this manner by the woman he was attached to.
The simple nervous diarrhea is often spoken of as an "intestinal blush," as the neurotic disturbance of the bladder which causes frequent urination is spoken of as a "vesical blush.
The succession of events illustrated well how much persuasion and a favorable attitude of mind might mean even in so purely physical an affection as interference with urination by enlargement of the prostate.
The same suggestion can be made in connection with the new position for urination with just as good effect.
If these patients, however, have heard much of the trials and sufferings of a catheter life, the solicitude aroused with regard to their condition is sufficient of itself to disturb their urination to a marked degree.
During urinationthis ballooned and there remained in the pouch-like process at the end of the penis a certain amount of residual urine after every urination.
In the chapters on urinary symptoms stuttering in urination is discussed.
Practically all men who reach sixty have some tendency to more frequent urination than before.
The tongue is not bitten, involuntary urination does not take place, and when the patient falls she does not hurt herself as a rule, though occasionally the fall may result in accidental abrasions or bruises, but these are quite trivial.
When a man begins to worry about the possibility of bother from enlarged prostate and recalls that frequent urination is one of the symptoms of it, it will not be long before this symptom develops.
Under worry and excitement urination may become urgent or imperative, but on the other hand some men find it very difficult to empty their bladders under an emotional strain.
Frequent urination indicates an irritable or painful condition of the bladder or urethra or that the quantity is excessive.
Painful urination is shown by frequent attempts, during which but a small quantity of urine is passed; by groaning, by constrained attitude, etc.
One of the unpleasant results of irritation of the lining membrane of the bladder is inability to retain the urine long, which requires frequent urination and often causes incontinence of urine.
In old age it usually becomes somewhat indurated, and often to such an extent as to seriously affect the health and comfort of the individual by interference with urination and by occasioning pain.
Just before and just after urination the pain is most severe.
The penis is the organ of urinationas well as copulation.
The frequency of urination in a newborn baby will vary greatly with the weather and other conditions; in cool weather it is not unusual for the napkin to need changing almost every hour.
In the first part of the pregnancy the bladder is dragged upon, and later it is pressed upon by the enlarged uterus so that the bladder capacity is lessened and frequency of urination is the result.
It was a toilet Buddha-god to whom he could offer no oblation beyond urination and potential defecation.
September 22, he was evacuated, almost well, without signs of pulmonary congestion, having regained the power of urination and some capacity to move the legs sidewise.
After two treatments standing became normal and walking was much improved, the tremor ceased, cyanosis and hyperidrosis disappeared, and the movements of the bowels and urination became normal.
He had had difficulty in urination for two days after the shock.
Often urination does not take place for several hours, sometimes not at all during the first twenty-four hours.
After each urination and bowel movement, a lysol solution (prepared by putting one teaspoonful of lysol in a quart of sterile water) is poured from a clean pitcher over the vulva into the bed pan, and fresh pads applied.
Because of the pressure exerted by the growing uterus upon the bladder, disturbances in urination often appear, but as the uterus continues to grow and lifts itself up and away from the bladder these symptoms disappear.
A little later it can be made to sit on a special chair prepared for the purpose, and at eight or nine months by careful training the urination can be controlled, and by the end of the first year the diapers ought to be discontinued.
For painful urination with a distressed feeling in the neck of the bladder, causing a constant disposition to evacuate urine, the Althoea Officinalis is a certain remedy; it acts like a charm.
Urination may be impeded by the oedema of the prepuce.
The patient is irritable and restless, his bowels are usually confined, and urination is often rendered painful by the distended bowels pressing upon the bladder.
During the latter part of childhood, he imagines that the sexual organ of the man plays an important part in the evolution of children, but can ascribe only the function of urination to that part of his body.
On the other hand, he appears to regard his achievements in urination with especial pride.
A urolagnic symbolist was chiefly excited by the act of urination when he caught a young woman unawares in the act.
Sometimes, especially in children, the act of urination becomes an act of gratification at the climax of sexual pleasure, the imitative symbol of detumescence.
Overdistention of the bladder from failure to pass water for a long time may lead to a condition where urination becomes an impossibility.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "urination" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.