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Example sentences for "unphilosophical"

Lexicographically close words:
unperformed; unperplexed; unperturbed; unperverted; unphilosophic; unpick; unpicking; unpicturesque; unpierced; unpigmented
  1. We should expect the philosophical atheist or skeptic to take this ground; also, until better informed, the unlearned and unphilosophical believer; but we should think that the thoughtful theistic philosopher would take the other side.

  2. And the attempt to do without religion in morals is as unphilosophical as it is dangerous.

  3. Men, indeed, appear to me to act in a very unphilosophical manner, when they try to secure the good conduct of women by attempting to keep them always in a state of childhood.

  4. Even in the domain of pure conjecture we should not suffer ourselves to be led away by unphilosophical and arbitrary views devoid of the support of inductive reasoning.

  5. There is an ambiguity in these words, which may lead--which I believe does lead--to most unphilosophical conclusions.

  6. And if we seem to have found a sufficient explanation already, it is unphilosophical to look further, at least till we have tried whether our explanation fits the facts.

  7. I should be most unphilosophical if I said it; for the history of mankind proves that he has infinitely more in him than that.

  8. How unphilosophical then to separate a law of nature from the Deity, and to imagine him to have withdrawn from his works!

  9. For matter could not have originated itself; nor is there any proof of its eternal existence; and to assume that it did eternally exist, without proof, is far more unphilosophical than to admit its origination in the divine will.

  10. This language of Cudworth, and indeed the whole hypothesis of a plastic nature, was unable to stand the searching eye of Bayle, who, in an article of his dictionary, pointed out its unphilosophical and dangerous assumptions.

  11. Comte in his account[254] of the Science of Optics, condemns, as utterly unphilosophical and absurd, both the theory of emission and that of undulation.

  12. This was Peter Ramus,(born in Picardy in 1515,) who ventured to denounce the Logic of Aristotle as unphilosophical and useless.

  13. It is unphilosophical to construct a science out of a few of the agencies by which the phenomena are determined, and leave the rest to the routine of practice or the sagacity of conjecture.

  14. If the Fichtean Science of Knowledge could be separated from its difficult method, which it is impossible ever to make comprehensible to the unphilosophical mind, it would be called to take the place of religion.

  15. I did not, however, carry this unphilosophical resolution into effect.

  16. The worship of a male god as the sole creator and sustainer of the universe is as unphilosophical as it is unreasonable and unscientific.

  17. Popanilla was about to empty part of his pocketfuls into the mendicant's cap, but his companion repressed his unphilosophical facility.

  18. In plain words, speculative philosophy was reduced to the unphilosophical science of the empirical faculty of understanding, to the critique of reason.

  19. This dialectic statement is rather incomprehensible to the unphilosophical brain.

  20. A very unphilosophical application of the above remarks was made by a young fellow, answering to the name of John, who sits near me at table.

  21. How the experiment might have ended but for this empirical and most unphilosophical interference, there is no saying; but it settled the point that the rebellious nature was not to be subjugated in a brief conflict.

  22. But it would be as unphilosophical to treat with disdain the ideas that have served for a guide in the earlier ages of European life, as to look with contempt on the motives that have guided us in youth.

  23. It is equally unwise and unphilosophical to affirm that God cannot work a miracle by the use of intermediate agencies, i.

  24. In a subject of this kind it is most unphilosophical to assume that the possibilities of the future are the realities of the present; and to enunciate propositions whose validity rests solely on the fact that they are so.

  25. Nothing can be more unphilosophical than such a mode of reasoning.

  26. Here the matter is interesting enough, and the comparison with the gorgeous but unphilosophical disdain which Bacon is wont to pour on the studies of the past is interesting also.

  27. It would be distinctly unphilosophical to assume that the earth was the only planet that carried its aetherial field with it.

  28. It would be unphilosophical to suggest that it was held in its place by any other force, as that would be introducing a new force or law into Nature, contrary to our experience in relation to an exactly similar phenomenon of Nature.

  29. It would, therefore, be unphilosophical to revert to the old conception of a gravitating attractive power as the sole cause of the sun's orbital motion through space.

  30. It is, at least to my mind, difficult to conceive of mass without weight or without atomicity, and yet that is the unphilosophical position of the present state of science in relation to the Aether.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unphilosophical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    contradictory; fallacious; faulty; flawed; illogical; inconclusive; incongruous; inconsequent; inconsequential; inconsistent; invalid; irrational; loose; reasonless; senseless; unauthentic; unconnected; unreasonable; unscientific