Certain I am, that he was the most unostentatious of human beings, as simple and natural as a boy, to the end of his days.
No habit will more fully enable you to be generous as well as just, and to gratify your better impulses and more refined tastes, than the exercise of this unostentatious art.
But you soon see that the proprietor is not a hermit; for everywhere you discern unostentatious traces of that elegance and refinement that belong to social and cultivated life; nothing rude and rough-hewn, yet nothing prim and precise.
Carry firearms also, and take the first unostentatious opportunity of showing your pistols to the landlord.
After the introduction of Christianity, all the Icelanders enjoyed an unostentatious but undisturbed practice of their religion.
The other side of the pavement is bounded by a little unostentatious rivulet, called by unpoetical people "canal," into which tributaries equally sweet pour from all the neighbouring houses.
Mere pretension and display, on the part of a teacher, often command more patronage than solid and unostentatious merit.
After the funeral obsequies of the mother and child had been hastily performed, and they were consigned to the sameunostentatious grave, the neighboring settlers assembled, and rendezvoused at Joplin's cabin.
All Washington knew the customs of its unostentatious chief.
Let us follow the Colonel in his unostentatious wanderings.
It is this sincere and unostentatiouslove of letters, and anxiety to spread the love of letters, that is the redeeming point of Leigh Hunt throughout: he is saved quia multum amavit.
Many such graceful attentions, offered in an unostentatious manner to all about him, illustrated the kindness and noble simplicity of his nature.
He wasunostentatious and almost always walked, whether for visiting, business or exercise.
These are but a few of the features of park scenery; but what most delights me, is the creative talent with which the English decorate the unostentatious abodes of middle life.
Even that amiable andunostentatious simplicity of character, which gives the nameless grace to real excellence, may cause him to be undervalued by some coarse minds, who do not know that true worth is always void of glare and pretension.
She has an old, exclusive, and delightful society, and a widespread and pleasantlyunostentatious interest in esthetic things.
Its house is an utterly unostentatious frame building with a dining room containing a single table at which all the members sit at meals together, like one large family.
A few distinguished persons had been allowed to attend the ball in citizens' dress, and among these, was Leicester, who appeared in the elegant but unostentatious suit worn at his wedding ceremony.
The chaise contained two persons; one was a female, in a neat, unostentatious travelling dress, and with her face partially concealed by a green veil.
In the unostentatious conduct of their own affairs, to the neglect of everything else, they typified the essential individualism, born in the Briton from the natural isolation of his country's life.
And these various qualities seem but so many facets of the man’s unostentatious personality.
These simple andunostentatious funerals are very impressive.
Wedding cards should be as simple and unostentatious as possible.
Modestly retiring to an unostentatiousmansion in the Rue Chantereine, which, in compliment to him, had received the name of Rue de la Victoire, he secluded himself from the public gaze.
It delighted her to see him here lay aside the cares of state, and enjoy with her the unostentatious pleasures of the flower-garden and the farm-yard.
The work was carried on in a very quiet unostentatious manner.
With a certain unostentatious dignity Mr. Thrush stepped into the room.
He was a genuinely patriotic Irishman, steadfast in his political creed, though unostentatious in his professions, being more a man of action than of words.
Farringford, the pilgrimage place of many eminent worshippers of the poet's muse, where was dispensed an unostentatious but open-handed and genial British hospitality.
They resembled in peculiarities the early Quakers and primitive Methodists, and though very narrow were much respected for their unostentatious benevolence, blended with public spirit.
He was a quiet, unostentatious gentleman of the old school, whose delight outside of his business was his home and garden on Cote St. Antoine road.
He possesses true religious zeal, is earnest, God-fearing and unostentatious in the discharge of his duties and has already accomplished a great deal of consecrated work among his people whose love he holds in large measure.
Although a woman of a retiring and altogether unostentatious nature Lady Strathcona throughout her life splendidly seconded her husband in his innumerable acts and schemes for the benefit of the people of Canada and of mankind at large.
He did much for charity and in fact was continually assisting others, yet all in a most unostentatious manner.
His munificence was princely, yet his giving was most unostentatious in its character and no one will ever know the extent of his private charities.
In a quiet and unostentatious manner he was a generous contributor to deserving charities, irrespective of nationality or creed.
But far more than these public positions were innumerable cases in which he proved himself a generous but unostentatious friend to the needy.
Such expressions are not mere form, as was shown by the cheerful and unostentatious way in which the owner put himself out in order to insure my comfort.
Both these men were truly devout, unostentatious spirits, who had found that the delights of Divine communion exceeded the pleasures of this transitory world.
After the regency, Humboldt lived at Berlin, in an unostentatious home, with his attendant, Seifert.
Here is another noted judge of horseflesh, in knickerbocker breeches that seem to have been made at home for some one else, in leather gaiters of unostentatious roominess and rusticity.
From the fact of her unostentatious position in the rear it might safely be concluded that it, like the wind, was still rising.