This ageing friend of Edward Henry's, surmising that something unusual was afoot in his house, and having entirely forgotten the trifling episode of the bite, had unobtrusively come to make inquiries.
He came to Tellus as unobtrusively as was his wont, and took an inconspicuous but very active part in Operation Mateese, now in full swing.
Evadna freed herself as unobtrusively as possible, and looked at him with wide eyes.
The three others were upon their own claims, and they, also, seemed unobtrusively ready for whatever might be going to happen.
Good Indian rode silent, watching her unobtrusively and wishing he knew how to bring the conversation by the most undeviating path to a certain much-desired conclusion.
He gave a hollow laugh and unobtrusively put out one of his hands for a nut.
Panting asunobtrusively as possible, he rapped with his pointer.
There was usually enough so that one unit of a kind could be unobtrusively trained on Mr. Raichi under the care of Jason's own desk sergeant.
Zero data when Charlemagne's Crown lapsed unobtrusively from its shrine in Vienna during the Year 2000 Celebration.
You will do me a favor if you will quietly enter the church next Sunday morning and evening, and unobtrusively take one of the seats near the door," she said to him.
But the superintendent and pastor, after some hesitation and inquiry, concluded they did want him there, and with some ex-prisoners as a nucleus, he unobtrusively formed a class near the door.
And yet, after he had told her, this enigma of a man bowed his head and edged his way to the door, moving unobtrusively through the press of humanity, taking advantage of the confusion which marked the entrance of Archer Converse.
Then the big man beckoned unobtrusively to a policeman.
Archer Converse reappeared in his home city as unobtrusively as he had left it and he held the polished shield of his urbane reserve over any vulnerable points which darts of questions might attack.
But most of the difference between his very small living expenses and his liberal income found its way unobtrusively into some socialist or labor organization.
Yetta started to say, "I did," but Braun kicked her unobtrusively and she kept still.
Quietly and unobtrusively he worked, refusing all invitations to appear on public platforms, and while affecting contempt for politicians who constantly apostrophised "the people," he determined to set the affairs of the colony straight.
Then he set himself unobtrusively to the task of finding the craft he wanted and looking up the equipment for her.
The snake's body was about the thickness of a man's thumb, and his back was unobtrusively but exquisitely marked with a reticulation of fine lines.
Bat Harker was unobtrusively standing amongst the piled bales of groundwood that stacked the wharf from end to end.
He was watching intently but unobtrusively the transparent display of emotions which his words had conjured.
He slipped in from the Outer Darkness quite unobtrusively and sat about looking thoughtful and lonely.
Up to this moment my one purpose had been to tiptoe unobtrusively to the door and escape.
Feodor Kyrilovitch unobtrusively changed places with his brother Mikhail, whose bed was next to that of the bully.
He came unobtrusively to the State House from the modest mansion he had leased in the capital city for the legislative winter and took his oath of office before an admiring throng.
Unobtrusively chatting about the old times, the Duke and his friend made their way back to their old footing.
The room is comfortably furnished, though in fussy and eccentric Victorian taste; stuffed birds, Highland cattle in oils, antimacassars, and wax fruit are unobtrusively in evidence.
Putting a finger unobtrusivelyto his eye) Makes me feel .
The Native Son tilted his head unobtrusively stableward when he caught Andy's eye, and as unobtrusively wandered away from the group.
The Old Man drove on to the house with his own luggage, and Happy Jack followed to take charge of the team; but the remainder of the Happy Family unobtrusively took the measure of the foreign element.
Then it was I realised that these vans are part of Germany's plans by which her wounded are carried--I will not say secretly, but as unobtrusively as possible.
When her attention was once more given to him, he was smoking as unobtrusively as possible, and he was gazing at her with a good deal of speculative admiration.
His eyes, searching unobtrusively the long table bearing the unmistakable signs of many other hungry men gone before--for Andy was late--failed to warn him.
The hands who were not employed were standing unobtrusivelyin the neighbourhood of the ship's boats.
Whenever I got a chance I surveyed the camp as unobtrusively as possible, climbed into the most distant lofts and cellars of the old ruined castle, and examined the great barbed-wire fence to find the weakest spot.
This gully was to be gradually and unobtrusively widened and deepened so that two men could lie in it.
Unobtrusively they opened for business, for he knew that publicity would spoil his chance of success.
Peter slipped the shillings unobtrusively into his own pocket.
It was to be quite a private affair, and operations would be conducted as unobtrusively as possible.
Again Nasmyth, conscious that his companion was unobtrusively watching him, sat silent a moment or two.
Instead, he appeared interested in ranching, and Laura, who found herself talking to him freely and naturally, supplied him with considerable information, though she imagined once or twice that he was unobtrusively watching her.
If he is a total stranger he will attempt no conversation beyond the civilities of the case; but these he will cordially though unobtrusively offer.
Esther moved unobtrusivelyacross the room and examined the crystal lustres on the mantelpiece.
As he hesitated his roving eye caught sight of Sartorius, who had risen unobtrusively and was regarding the scene with dispassionate interest.
This accomplished, he slipped out unobtrusively and took the road toward Villa Rosa.
As she bridged over pauses, andunobtrusively translated from the officer's English into real English, she at the same time kept a watchful eye on the water.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unobtrusively" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: decently; gracefully; humbly; meekly; modestly; properly; quietly; simply; tastefully