This distinction and want of love, this contempt of one another, those base and undervaluing thoughts of brethren, will be better seen, to the shame and confusion of some, in the judgment.
It might be objected, that those are most prone to laughter, who have least of this glorying in themselves, orundervaluing of their neighbours.
But perhaps I am undervaluing the abilities of these gentlemen; perhaps I am doing injustice to the discretion and wisdom of the metropolitan constituencies.
From this neglect both in theory and in practice of the cultivation of feeling, naturally resulted, among other things, an undervaluing of poetry, and of Imagination generally, as an element of human nature.
Add to this that, as already mentioned, my father's teachings tended to the undervaluing of feeling.
Public concerns, ecclesiastical or civil, will prove indeed ruinous to those who permit them to occupy all their care and thought, neglecting or undervaluing ordinary duties, more especially those of a devotional kind.
But to pass this, I shall lay down some of the grounds of their rejecting and undervaluing the Scriptures, and so pass on.
There is the great danger of undervaluing the work of saving individual souls.
As I go on, it will be seen, that, so far from undervaluing these, I hold them to be all required even to produce a healthy pulpit power.
I find, for instance, that your company has beenundervaluing its imported goods.
Undervaluing merchandise is considered, I believe, one of the meanest forms of smuggling.
If they drive us to Christ, we may hope that they are from heaven for our relief; but if their tendency is to despair, by undervaluing the blood of atonement, or to lasciviousness, they are from Satan.
Do not be always undervaluing her rival in a woman's presence, nor mistaking a woman's daughter for her sister.
If you make a present, and it is praised by the receiver, you should not yourself commence undervaluing it.
A proud ear, which loveth its own applause, and is much pleased with its own praises, and hateth all that speak of him with mean, undervaluing words.
The imperfection of all men's understandings and godliness is so great, that the differences of judgment that are among the best, will tend to the injury and undervaluing of their brethren.
Man's nature is so prone to go too far in valuing our esteem with men, that we should more fear lest we err on that hand, than on the other, in undervaluing it.
Even where the best is: I think as coolly as I can, I don't exaggerate what is disagreeable, and I endeavour to lessen it, by undervaluing what I am inclined to think would be a happier state.
While we are undervaluing all principalities and powers, you are making a rout with them, for which I shall scold you.
Precise people shook their heads, and called him frivolous, undervaluinghis great ability.
The Barrister is at least as wrong in the undervaluing of the one as the pseudo-Evangelists in the exclusion of the other.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undervaluing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.