Her manner had neither the confusion nor the pretendedunconsciousness of ordinary girlhood.
Girls like that, who had the aristocrat's assurance and simplicity and unconsciousness of worldly lore, without the aristocrat's secure standing in the world, were peculiarly in danger of sinking below the level of their own type.
A wave almost of unconsciousness passed over her in the intensity of her horror.
If I were a fairy, the gift I would endow you with would be just that same unconsciousness of your own disadvantages, which courtesy makes you show of mine.
All this, in the deeps of his unconsciousness (the shadowy western land of descending light), was the near dusk of Death down into which he slowly ebbed.
He continued to persist, alternating periods of unconsciousness with periods of semi-consciousness, dreamy and unreal, in which he idly wondered whether he had ever truly beheld the Red One or whether it was a nightmare fancy of delirium.
Words of fire, emanating from the guilelessness of innocence, glowed in every line; and yet every sentence breathed an utter unconsciousness of the effect those words were likely to produce.
It would have been worth a small annuity to have beheld that; let alone Miss Price's evident joy at making them jealous, and Nicholas Nickleby's happy unconsciousness of making anybody uncomfortable.
There were some deep schemes in his head, as the puckered brow and firmly-set mouth would have abundantly testified, even if they had been unaccompanied by a complete indifference to, or unconsciousness of, the objects about him.
And the most exasperating fact was the utter unconsciousness of the disturber.
He had spoken with a meek compassion that exasperated Tom--an unconsciousness of any hardship laid on him.
Every one understands the distinction; but so few people see the difference that Columbus of all men may be excused for his unconsciousness of it.
It remains the pathway and territory of powers and mysteries, thoughts and energies on a gigantic and elemental scale; and that is why the mind of man can never grapple with the unconsciousness of the sea or his eye meet its eye.
Rod was close beside him and for a full minute the mad hunter gazed up into his face, then once more he sank off into that strange unconsciousness which had overcome him in the cavern.
The beauty of the one, the sincerity and unconsciousness of the other, and the general elevation of both, struck him forcibly the first evening.
His conversation today had gone far to make her suppose him blameless, and herself alone in fault; so complete had seemed his unconsciousness with regard to her.
But they are under a heavier curse even than this; they inflict torments, second only to their own, with an unconsciousness almost worthy of spirits of light.
They do not, any more than others, sin for the sake of sinning; but the amount of woe caused by their selfish unconsciousness is such as may well make their weakness an equivalent for other men's gravest crimes.
Apparently he recognised that my efforts to release him had been unavailing, and swooned, his unconsciousness being quickly followed by suffocation.
I had lapsed into unconsciousness at a moment when the last of my brave comrades had been slain, only to awaken and find myself stretched on a divan in a spacious apartment, the walls of which were richly hung with rose-coloured silk.
Then, as I raised my hand and it came into contact with bandages about my shoulder, I added "The darkness of unconsciousness hath long obscured my mind, and I know not under whose roof I rest.
Is it a life of sleep and unconsciousness into which he has gone, or is he as fully alive and conscious as he was an hour ago?
The Khan himself was abstracted; sleep gradually overpowered him, and he sunk down upon the bedding in total unconsciousness after a short time.
I could have struck him for his pretence of ingenuousness, and his seeming unconsciousness that he was detecting me.
Back through the fast-closing mists of unconsciousness Margot's soul struggled to meet her mate.
Then once more Margot floated off into unconsciousness; but this time it was the blessed, health-restoring unconsciousness of sleep, such sleep as she had not known for days past, and from which she awoke with rested body and clearer brain.
Denman, still dazed and with a splitting headache, was assisted aft and below to the spare berth in the captain's quarters, where he sank into unconsciousness with the moaning of the stricken woman in his ears.
Virginia claimed a large part of both these States as hers; and, indeed, there seems to be in that State an hereditary unconsciousness of the limits of her dominion.
The insidious treachery of the upper air had taken him unawares and hurled him intounconsciousness in the midst of his triumph of speed.
Strapped to it, rode Hal Dane, stunned into the unconsciousness of "little death," while real death rose up with the ground to meet him.
Natural sleep is one of these; the unconsciousness of narcotism or anesthesia is another.
If patients have been unconscious, just as soon as unconsciousness disappears, they should be told that very probably this is the beginning of recovery and that the great majority of people who have a stroke recover.
The unconsciousness due to apoplexy, or to a blow on the head, would be comparatively easy of explanation on the same theory.
The importance of submitting our faculties to measurement lies in the curious unconsciousness in which we are apt to live of our personal peculiarities, and which our intimate friends often fail to remark.
The differences between men are profound, and we can only be saved from living in blind unconsciousness of our own mental peculiarities by the habit of informing ourselves as well as we can of those of others.