It is uncertain whether the Hareem Court was surrounded by buildings on every side, or open towards the south-west.
It is uncertain whether a punishment even more barbarous than these was not occasionally resorted to.
It is uncertain whether he was any relation to his predecessor, but clear that he avenged him.
The stranger paused, as if uncertain whether he should demand or assay entrance.
Uncertain whether he had not dreamed of these sounds which seemed yet in his ears, he was unwilling to risk the raillery of his friend by summoning him to his assistance.
It is uncertain whether any of the names of the islands given by Ptolemy ought to be attached to the Andamans; yet it is probable that his name itself is traceable in the Alexandrian geographer.
I am uncertain whether he is the Pierfrancesco to whom we attribute the Ascension, in the church of S.
It is uncertain whether it should be called Mysia or Meonia, for it has both names.
It is uncertain whether this is a place, or a district.
At Chrysa also it is said that there is a Cillæan Apollo, but it is uncertain whether it is the same as Apollo Smintheus, or a different statue.
It isuncertain whether it existed at all in the time of the great Median empire.
It isuncertain whether any of these divisions were known in the time of the great Median Empire.
It is uncertain whether in the most ancient form of the Iranic worship the cult of Mithra was included or no.
And the priest must be as uncertain whether it be any duty of his at all, to preach God's word, as he is uncertain of the lawfulness of the Trent oath or subscription, unless he can do it without.
It is your sin to beuncertain whether rebellion be a sin; and God bindeth you to lay by the sin of your judgment, and not to make it a shoeing-horn to more.
Nay, what if I am uncertain whether it be duty or sin?
I do not think she heard my footstep at all, and I stood at her side an instant, uncertain whetherto let her know of my presence, or not.
Her head-yards were not swung, but there she lay, like one who lingers, uncertain whether to go or to remain.
It is uncertain whether he was instructed by Feti.
It is uncertain whether he was a pupil, or only a companion of Carpioni; but he is indisputably his inferior in point of genius and ability.
Pettitt shrieked at the word; and Sophia, between fear and rage, uncertain whether he was frightened or was trying to frighten them, bade him be silent.
Sophia followed, uncertain whether to be glad or sorry that the good woman's warning had been cut short.
He went back into the passage, uncertain whether he should sally forth on foot or wait for his carriage; but, hearing a noise on the stairs, and fearing that it might be Fifine, he decided to go out.
It is uncertain whether or not he himself engaged in any great war.
City after city fell before him, until at length he invaded Mitanni; but it is uncertain whether or not Tushratta met him in battle.
It is uncertain whether or not Kashtiliash II of Babylonia invaded Assyria with purpose to cripple his rival.
I stopped when he had passed me, and looked after him, uncertain whether I ought not to follow him.
I know the house, and I will call a servant; your sudden appearance might startle the old gentleman even to choking;" and she escaped from me, leaving me uncertain whether I ought to advance or retreat.
The Author is uncertain whether it is worth while to mention, that he had a personal opportunity of observing, even in his own time, that the king's writ did not pass quite current in the Brass of Balquhidder.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uncertain whether" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.