He continually protested his profound respect with a volubility and earnestness that was quite uncalled for.
He was out, and his absence at that moment suited my purpose capitally, as the excuse which I should have had to concoct for this uncalled for visit would have been but weak.
The few sober people who have courage enough to hint at its being impolitic and uncalled for are almost hooted down, and their warnings and scruples are treated with indignation and contempt.
The stampede of Early was uncalled for, unnecessary, and disgraceful, and I willingly assume my share of the blame and shame.
Had not this uncalled for order come at this juncture, it is not hard to conceive the results.
Much has been said in after years, since misfortune and ruin overtook the South, since the sad reverses of the army and the overthrow of our principles, about leaders plunging the nation into a bloody and uncalled for war.
In another portion of this work we have alluded to the decoy system as being uncalled for and insulting to the employees.
I remember a boy who was my schoolfellow, that, having been treated with uncalled for severity, never appeared afterwards in the scene of instruction, but with a neglected appearance, and the articles of his dress scarcely half put on.
Under other circumstances this might have seemed Spanish, but Letitia was cross, and when I dared to suggest that she was emulating Otero, she was most indignant, and thought my remark uncalled for.
If everything we believe were as luminous as "two and two are four," a special act of the will would be utterly uncalled for.
People usually pay for what they call for; services uncalled for are gratuitous services.
This attitude seemed to Horatia so uncalled for that it irritated rather than dismayed her.
Frederick Douglass criticised this step as uncalled for, unwise, unfortunate, and premature.
Resolved, That we view the efforts of the Colonization Society as officious and uncalled for.
There were some who pitied me too, but their pity was uncalled for.
We are still, however, sensible of the necessity of supporting him, and have left that part of the country nearest him uncalled on, at present, that they may reinforce him as soon as arms can be received.
We have left all the counties south of James River, and nearer to Hillsborough than Portsmouth, uncalled on, that they may be ready to go to the aid of our Southern friends whenever arms can be procured.
We have left the counties of Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Halifax, and all above them on the south side of James river, uncalled on, that they may be in readiness to reinforce you as soon as arms can be procured.
All are however liable to it, and this liability should beget a proper caution in all manipulations, and forbid uncalled for violence in any way.
It must always be decided upon by the medical man, and performed by him, so that a description of it is uncalled for here.
It seemed to me that there was much uncalled for delay in moving on board a small quantity of lumber.
You have no right to do such an uncalled for thing.
Then why urge this measure, uncalled for by the people, unwarranted by the condition of the Territory?
They held that the "various Executive vetoes" were not only uncalled for, but were unwarranted by the Organic Act of the Territory.
From my belief that this excitement is uncalledfor I am far from drawing the conclusion that we do not need an increase in our armaments.
Making the tribes a genitive case, by inserting of before them, is whollyuncalled for by the text.
As Roger dances divinely her remark is most uncalled for and vexes him more than he would care to confess.
But I deem it most uncalled for that Frank, a practising doctor, should depreciate research in which he cannot participate, and particularly the very line of research to which he owes his own method.
This is best demonstrated by reference to our case; we can understand that horses might easily play a significant part in the patient's life, but it is not clear why there should be this later reaction, so exaggerated, so uncalled for.
Governor Wise indulged in many uncalled for strictures on the people of Harper's Ferry, for their supposed inefficiency as soldiers on this occasion, boasting that he could have taken Brown with a penknife.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uncalled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.