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Example sentences for "umbilicus"

Lexicographically close words:
umber; umberell; umberella; umbilical; umbilicate; umble; umbles; umbo; umbonate; umbones
  1. The shell is conical, and usually has a large, deep umbilicus exposing the upper whorls.

  2. Defn: Of or pertaining to the umbilicus and mesentery; omphalomesaraic; as, the omphalomesenteric arteries and veins of a fetus.

  3. Again, a fistula is sometimes noted at the umbilicus associated with hernia, and recto-vaginal fistulas have been developed in mares, following difficult parturition.

  4. The contraction of the abdominal muscles and pressure of the intestines during neighing seem to open the umbilicus and induce hernia.

  5. This is often congenital in our animals, and is due to the imperfect closure of the umbilicus and to the position of the body.

  6. The cord drops off in eight or ten days, and the umbilicus that is left may be moist or it may bleed slightly; if such is the case, great care should be exercised in bathing this ulcer that has been left behind.

  7. If the umbilicus remains moist and foul smelling, general blood poisoning of the infant may easily follow.

  8. Should the baby cry violently, the umbilicus should be protected in the manner described above--the fold of cotton and the adhesive plaster.

  9. With umbilicus reaching to the apex; including Bifrontia and Orbis.

  10. It is not used in this sense by Conchologists, who apply it to those undefined tumidities or bumps which appear on the inner surface and hinge of some bivalve shells, and to the thickening over the umbilicus of Naticae.

  11. Aperture transverse, both lips much thickened and united; the outer with marginal obsolete teeth at the base; umbilicus closed.

  12. At length the penultimate whorl is bent towards the right and dorsal side of the axis, and the umbilicus becomes depressed, and often nearly closed.

  13. The amnion, whose fluid during the later days of incubation rapidly diminishes, is continuous at the umbilicus with the body-walls of the embryo.

  14. The umbilicus is usually open and moderately large, the lip simple.

  15. It has a shelly operculum, and the umbilicus is neatly closed by a pure white, shining callosity.

  16. The umbilicus is partly or wholly closed by a thick, callous, shelly process thrown off from the columellar lip, and is chestnut in color.

  17. When the coils of the shell are very compact there is no umbilicus to be seen.

  18. The umbilicus is closed by a thick, highly polished white callosity, and the general shape of the shell is strongly suggestive of the common east-coast species /P.

  19. It has a wide, deep umbilicus and a sharp lip.

  20. The umbilicus is partially closed by an entering callous plug.

  21. At the north end of this platform was erected the Umbilicus (E), and on the south end was placed the Milliarium Aureum (F).

  22. The ruin of the Umbilicus is at the side of the Arch of Septimius Severus, at the end of the Rostra ad Palmam.

  23. Frustules spheroidal; valve with a flattened, irregularly punctate umbilicus from which proceed radiating or decussating lines of fine puncta.

  24. Valve with fourteen sectors, the alternate ones divided by a smooth lanceolate space for about one-half the radius, forming with the smooth, circular umbilicus a seven pointed star.

  25. The umbilicus was dried and hung on the right side of the cradleboard to insure that the baby would be right-handed.

  26. The mother was not allowed to eat salt until the baby's umbilicus dropped off, usually in two or three days.

  27. The trocar should be directed to the uterus or womb from a point on the median line, half way from the umbilicus to the pubic arch, care being taken to reach the water which surrounds the foetus.

  28. At a point opposite the umbilicus or navel the abdominal aorta divides into the two common iliac arteries.

  29. The right and left iliac veins join opposite the umbilicus to form the ascending vena cava.

  30. Insert the trocar through the umbilicus and draw off all the ascitic fluid from the abdomen, then surround the organs with a quantity of fluid sufficient to preserve them.

  31. The tumour reappeared below the umbilicus about the size of an egg, and soon opened, discharging from small orifices a little pus.

  32. When the patient is under the influence of ether and the bladder emptied with the catheter, an incision is made in the linea alba from the umbilicus to the pubes.

  33. Among his various afflictions mention must be made of an umbilical hernia, supposed to have originated in the chafing of his umbilicus by a belt he was wearing during a long spell in a canoe.

  34. An incision is then made in the linea alba, between the umbilicus and pubes, for about four inches in length at first, so as to be large enough to admit the hand, through all the tissues down to and through the peritoneum.

  35. On the surface of the abdomen the position of this vessel would be indicated by a line drawn from about an inch on either side of the umbilicus to the middle of the space between the symphysis pubis and the crest of the ilium.

  36. Bell of Davenport, who removed a bar of lead one pound in weight and ten inches in length, by an incision four inches in length from the umbilicus to the false ribs.

  37. In the linea alba, midway between the umbilicus and pubes, or rather nearer the umbilicus.

  38. But the closest parallel to the relation borne by the skeleton of an extinct species to an extant one, is presented by that of the hilum to a seed, or of the umbilicus to a mammal.

  39. This defective and abnormal condition of the umbilicus is frequently hereditary.

  40. This is what takes place when this method has a favorable result, though if the umbilicus does not become adherent and the skin sloughs, the bowels will protrude through the opening.

  41. Injuries received during parturition, stoppage of the milk ducts, and infection of the umbilicus in the newly born are also frequent causes of pyemia.

  42. During the first two months of the pregnancy there is a flattening of the abdominal surface, due to the descent of the uterus into the pelvic cavity, thus slightly dragging the bladder downward and drawing the umbilicus inward.

  43. In the latter part of the fourth month there is noticeable a slight abdominal enlargement, and the umbilicus is no longer sunken.

  44. This vein extends from the umbilicus to the transverse fissure of the liver (Fig.

  45. It either projects freely into the abdominal cavity as a pouch arising from the convex border of the small intestine opposite to the mesenteric attachment, or else it reaches the abdominal wall at the umbilicus and is attached to the same.

  46. The caudal free edge of the ventral mesogastrium extends between the umbilicus and the caudal surface of the liver, carrying the umbilical vein between its layers.

  47. The mesogastrium originally divided the abdominal cavity between umbilicus and diaphragm into symmetrical right and left halves of equal size and extent.

  48. Chocolate-brown, with no white round the umbilicus (as has H.

  49. Its broad and deep umbilicus is quite distinctive.

  50. Umbilicus and micropyle are united with each other by means of seed or leaf-rib (raphe).

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "umbilicus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    axis; center; core; heart; hub; kernel; marrow; middle; nave; navel; nucleus; pith; pivot; umbilicus