He took out a leather bag, and counted into my hand five gold pieces of twenty dollars each.
Three twenty-dollar gold coins were discovered on the carpet, and one in the vault; what became of the remain ing three hundred and twenty dollars?
There is a reward of twenty dollars if the book is delivered by eight P.
Placing it on the table, he removed some papers, and counted down into my hand, five gold coins--twenty dollars each.
Besides, neither of them would give me twenty dollars.
Twenty dollars in the hand and a remunerative job for him in the bush.
To-night I received funds through the mail; the sum, twenty dollars.
Twenty dollars,” was heard from one corner of the room.
It appears the two passengers, in their first lesson, had incidentally lost one hundred and twenty dollars.
I’m offered the stupendous sum of twenty dollars, gentlemen, for that horse.
He pays me twenty dollars a month," said the usher; "twenty dollars and my board.
If I had not been poor I should not have accepted the position of teacher in Smith Institute for the pitiful salary of twenty dollars a month.
Twenty dollars a month for a teacher qualified to instruct in Latin and Greek was certainly a beggarly sum, but Mr. Crabb's dire necessity had compelled him to accept it.
Twenty dollars a share it was; did I tell you that?
Twenty dollars a share; as much as father paid in the first place.
I've got five hundred shares, Cap'n Jeth; five hundred shares at twenty dollars a share.
When I returned to California by-and-by, I went up to Sacramento and presented a bill for general correspondence at twenty dollars a week.
He gave me twenty dollars--that is to say, he gave me life, as I considered it.
The President had recommended the issue in general terms: the Secretary of the Treasury had descended into detail, and proposed notes as low as twenty dollars, and without interest.
And then ask him for the twenty dollars he owes you.
As Bob left the gambling hall Reedy was still playing the roulette wheel at twenty dollars a throw.
As it costs him from ten to twenty dollars an acre to clear off the mesquite, level the sand hummocks, and get his ditches ready for water, he pays only one dollar rent the first year, two dollars the second, and so on.
And then after you have borrowed all you can on it, I'll give you my personal note for all the balance I owe, and see you get every dollar of it, if I have to work it out during the next three years at twenty dollars a week.
Then he is certainly rich, mother, for he gave me twenty dollars in addition.
You don't mean to say you meant to give me twenty dollars?
As the expense is caused entirely on my account, I have no idea of deducting a cent of it from your salary, which, if agreeable will be the same you already receive, twenty dollars a week.
I am at present employed by a man--excuse me if I do not say gentleman--who pays me what I consider the liberal salary of twenty dollars a week, my services occupying only a portion of the morning hours.
I want you to go over to Newark Monday afternoon and bring back a report on an act over there; and, by the way, you are to begin your new week in the booking department at twenty dollars.
I gave an old mare which cost me twenty dollars, for a pony which I sold a few days afterwards for forty-five.
I had up twenty dollarsin money and my Winchester, a fine silver mounted gun.
His bill--twenty dollars a week for general correspondence, and one hundred dollars a column for the Hornet story--was paid with all good will.
A man can't buy wine at twenty dollars per, and make dance-hall Flossies presents of diamond tararas on a government salary.
He is brought up with a jerk, and the Dago Queen, for whom he has bought so much wine at twenty dollars a bottle, has no recognition for him in her flashing eyes.
To my surprise he emptied his pockets of wrinkled notes and winking silver to the tune of twenty dollars, and dividing it equally, handed half to me.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twenty dollars" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.