If you impose a tax oftwenty francs upon my countrymen, and give it to me, I shall be a gainer instead of a loser.
And how often had he had to content himself with a cup of chocolate and a roll for dejeuner in order to pay the necessary five-and-twenty francs to the superintendent!
It was arranged that the rest of the bill should be liquidated at the rate of twenty francs a month.
Madam offered ten francs--twenty francs--she is going away and is very anxious to hear the bell; she has read about its beautiful tone.
And with all dispatch he entered the Southern tower, where the great bourdon hangs, whispering: "Twenty francs!
Lantier would now borrow money from Gervaise--ten francs, twenty francsat a time, whenever he smelt there was money in the house.
It was settled that they would lend their neighbors five hundred francs; the latter were to repay the amount by installments of twenty francs a month; it would last as long as it lasted.
Although Lantier's twenty francs would be used to pay off these debts for ten months, there would be a nice little profit later.
He proposes that I should take one of these rooms, which would cost me twenty francs, like the one I have at present, and that we should share the parlor.
I have hired a little room attwenty francs a month, near my cousin.
The price of a sheep ranges from twelve to twenty francs.
Suddenly one of the players cried: "Twenty francs lacking!
Do we find in the Iliad that Patroclus ever said to Achilles: 'I loaned you a hundred sous, or twenty francs; I want you to pay them'?
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twenty francs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.