It wvs dressed in v grey tweed suit with a flannel shirt, dressed in a grey tweed suit with a flannel shirt.
Because over a tunic would appear a straw hat, and under a pouch-belt fancy tweed trousers.
Tweed salmon are more varied; and this river, famous in song, is also noted for its production of the greatest proportion of bull-trout.
But the bivalve has perhaps been more celebrated, in prose and verse, north of the Tweed than south, where silent enjoyment is more relished than noisy demonstration.
Roxburgh castle on the south bank, once the stronghold of that old town and demolished in 1460; of Fleurs Palace; the heights of Eildon and Mellerstain, and the confluence of the Tweed and Teviot.
Flowing past them, the Tweedtakes a crescent-like course and engirts the woods in which the red walls of the abbey stand.
Standing on the bridge of five arches which spans the Tweed at Kelso, a magnificent view can be gained of this picturesque town on the northern bank, with [Illustration: KELSO.
He was followed by a tall young man in a greytweed suit and a straw hat on which were the colours of a famous cricket club.
Her short, grey tweedskirt was obviously the handiwork of an accomplished tailor.
The sight of the Tweed from his window, and the consciousness of being at Abbotsford, so filled his imagination, so excited his feelings, as to deprive him of slumber.
As the Northern dialect of English was, before the Reformation, in a fair way to become an independent national speech, so literature north of the Tweed had promise of a development, not indeed independent, but distinct.
We ranged a' from Tweed to Spey, And lived like lords and ladies gay; For a Lalland face he feared none, My gallant braw John Highlandman.
He was wearing a tweed suit and a gray Homburg hat.
The Tweed is a clear, rippling river, with a white, pebbly bottom, just like our New England mountain streams.
At theTweed the man with the skiff was waiting for us.
He always wore a light-coloured tweed suit, and a knitted tie of about ten different colours, and his aquiline nose and jaunty manner gave him an air of knowingness which she much appreciated.
Standing there in his dark tweed suit, with a rakish Trilby hat and a fascinating cane, he had felt a fit companion for any girl, and as he was shaven, and his square face was browned with the sun and the sea wind, he had been content.
He was dressed in a rough dark tweed suit, and looked like a fighter, but not a professional boxer.
The man wore a tweed suit of the indefinite pattern known as pepper and salt.
Maybe a pepper and salttweed coat, but I can't rightly call to mind at the minute.
Yit this wikked Nero hadde gret lordship, and yaf whylom to the 5 reverents senatours the unworshipful setes of dignitees.
But that is amonges straunge folk, mayst thou seyn; but amonges hem ther they weren born, ne duren nat thilke dignitees alwey?
For of thinges, of whiche that the effect nis nat naturelly diverse, nedes the substance mot be oo same thing.
Certes, ther may no man forsake, that al thing that is right excellent and noble, that it ne 75 semeth to ben right cleer and renomed.
Certes,' quod I, 'lat us adden it, yif we wolen graunten the sothe.
At this moment, the fat man in the tweed cap, incensed at having been jostled out of the front row, made his charge.
His tubby form was clad in tweed of a violent nature, with knickerbockers and stockings.
In short, he was one of Nature's rubbernecks, and to dash to the rail and shove a fat man in a tweed cap to one side was with him the work of a moment.
They are fond of having their clothes made of the thick tweed and cheviot cloths, which, as their names show, are made in Scotland, for the Tweed is a Scotch river, and the Cheviot Hills are on the border between England and Scotland.
For this reason the genuine Harris tweedalways smells smoky.
A fleet was soon fitted out to land soldiers on the Scottish coast; and an army of horse, commanded by Siward and his son, escorted Malcolm across the Tweed and through Lothian.
He was in an old tweed suit with a soft collar and his face was brick-red; looking at him as he stood there, the absolute type of health and strength and cleanly vigour, Rachel wondered why she felt irritable.
I came here and old Mrs. Tweed talked a lot and then, after a time, I said something--about my grandmother.
The other also wore a tweed suit and was also stout, but he was not so tall.
The one was stout, tall, and dressed in a tweed suit.
Maud, of course, was still in the tweed skirt in which she had gone to the station, but the other girls were in pretty white evening frocks, and the bigger boys were in dinner jackets, and the smaller ones in Etons.
The latter part of it is certainly inaccurate, if not wholly false, for in those days there was no bridge over the Tweed in this region.
The lady, however, was able to explain: while she was walking along the banks one day, the spirit of the Tweed had issued forth; and how could a weak woman prevail against a spirit?
A little above the spot "where to the Tweed Leat's eddies creep," on the southern bank, is a fragment of Wark Castle.
Berwick-on-Tweed is certainly not happy in having no history.
In honor of that grand event, I shall blossom out again In a brand-new suit of checkeredtweed and a low-cut satin vest I shall be the gaudiest spectacle in all the gorgeous West!
We saw the college lad, tall, with tweed coat and cigarette, returning to Heriot Row with an armful of books, in sad or sparkling mood.
In summer he would toddle about in his shaggy blue suit, with a tweed cap over one ear, his grizzled beard and moustache well stained by much smoking, his eyes as bright and his tongue as brisk as ever.
Tweed had gone on buying men and legislatures, and enriching himself until he had reached the state of mind in which he said to the public, "What are you going to do about it?
For his service in breaking up the Tweed ring, and for his career as Governor of the State of New York, apart from purely party aspects, he is entitled to the thanks of the people.
Judge Noah Davis said to an acquaintance that 'Mr. Tilden's preparation of the cases against Tweed and his confederates was one of the most remarkable things of which he had ever seen or heard.
The view of the river Tweed here is very fine, both above and below the railway bridge, and especially where it flows, a broad tide, and between high banks, into the sea.
The Tweed is here broad, and looks deep, flowing far beneath the bridge, between high banks.
He wore a black tail-coat, a round black hat, a black tie, and dark tweed trousers.
He wore a black tailed-coat, a black tie, a black round hat, and dark tweed trousers.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tweed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: corduroy; cotton; fabric; nylon