We want to get enough capital and labor at work to give us a totalturnover of business, a total national income, of at least eighty billion dollars a year.
The second kind of measure concerns the rapid turnover of our most experienced servicemen.
The value of this turnoverapproach is straightforward.
My budget includes a list of programs for potential turnover totaling more than $20 billion.
In order to make the head-dress in its 1509 state you must make the white lining with the jewelled turnover as a separate cap.
He wiped his face with his checked shirt-sleeve, and took a turnover from her hand, bowing very low as he did so.
Then she dropped fast asleep, and somebody came right down out of the clouds and gave her a peach turnover as big as a dinner basket, or so she thought.
I am," protested the sheriff, cramming the turnover into his mouth and drawing his hand hurriedly across his lips.
I shall be delighted,’ said I, ‘to furnish half a dozen new boats and to pay for the men to row them until the new turnover begins.
For,’ said I to him, ‘in the rapid turnover of my business it is but a matter of a few hours for me to be again in possession of a considerable sum of ready money.
The women of Huelgoat wear large white turnover collars and caps with long ends turned up.
A given rate of turnoverfor any person implies a given time of turnover--that is, an average length of time a dollar remains in his hands.
Each person regulates his turnover to suit his convenience.
He adjusts this time of turnover by adjusting his average quantity of pocket money, or till money, to suit his expenditures.
This velocity of circulation or rapidity of turnover of money is the greater for each individual the more he spends, with a given average amount of cash on hand; or the less average cash he keeps, with a given yearly expenditure.
While charging the cattle-grower less, they will be enjoying a larger turnover and should welcome this new development.
Thus the rate of turnover is more rapid under weekly than under monthly payments.
This velocity of circulation for an entire community is a sort of average of the rates of turnover of money for different persons.
But we have seen that to increase the rate of turnoverwill tend to increase the price level.
Each person has his own rate of turnover which he can readily calculate by dividing the amount of money he expends per year by the average amount he carries.
This presented a providential occasion to eat another apple-turnover before entering the unknown.
While traversing the Rue du Parc-Royal, he felt called upon to make good the loss of the apple-turnover which had been impossible, and he indulged himself in the immense delight of tearing down the theatre posters in broad daylight.
His books showed every year a comfortable turnover at fair rates of profit.
When she returned from the kitchen with his turnover he was standing.
The activities of the Bank and of its organs carried on in accordance with the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank shall not be subject to any turnover tax.
Had this apostate priest been capable of feeling any proper appreciation of his own position and that of the Marquis, he would have said nothing of Turnover Park.
Lord St. George wrote to the parson, and his father had left London for Turnoverbefore Mr. Fenwick's answer was received.
Well;--it was certainly better to have partridges from Turnover than accusations of immorality and infidelity.
That eldest brother, Lord Saint George, was in truth regarded at Turnover as being, of all persons in the world, the most august.
And yet I have a kind of feeling that because he is a Marquis, and because he owns two thousand and so many acres in the parish, and because he lives at Turnover Park, one ought to hold him in awe.
He did go out shooting one day, and was treated very civilly by the Turnover gamekeeper, though he was prepared with no five-pound note at the end of his day's amusement.
We shall all of us have to go over to Turnover next week," he said.
And so the visit to Turnover Park was made, and the Fenwicks were driven home.
At Turnover also a good deal was being said about it, and the mind of the Marquis was not easy.
Mrs. Fenwick had many quips and quirks with her husband as to those tidings to be made in a pleasant spirit which were expected from Turnover Castle.
Add to this the fact that the IMF's ability to influence the financial markets in an age of globalisation is dubious (the daily turnover in the foreign exchange markets alone is 6 times the total resources of the IMF).
In connection with the effort to reduce the turnover in the labor force the management of well organized factories takes great care to estimate a worker's value before employing him.
In the factory where the turnover is only 18 per cent the management says that promotion is a negligible factor.
In factories where there is effort to hold labor, to make employment continuous, the turnover has been reduced in some cases to as low as 18 per cent.
A rubber concern in Ohio has a labor turnoverof 150 per cent.
While the round-up and turnover of the Company's cattle was proceeding, I thought it well to keep lots of whisky on hand to show hospitality (the only way) to whomsoever it was due.
The shortage in the turnoverwas due simply to the usual miscalculation of the herd; the herd which never before had been counted and could not, under range conditions, be counted.
Allow half an inch at each end of b b for the turnover c.
Drill three 3/16-inch holes in the turnoverfor the holding-down screws.
And while, heretofore, his product had been chiefly, if not solely, sold in high-priced novelty shops he now needed an establishment of great turnover to help him out in his dilemma.
The labor turnover in Macy's is low indeed--and constantly is growing lower.
The company kept a large number of extra men on its pay roll because of the number of absentees, and the turnover percentage ran high.
There was a connection in that, I thought, with the gigantic turnover figures of laborers in steel, the restless moving from job to job that had been growing in recent years so fast.
Before Europe can get on, there has to be a colossal turnover of these moral and intellectual forces in the direction of creating an international mind.
In both these cases, what I may call the mental turnoverwas immense.
Is there anything in history to justify hope for so gigantic a mental turnover in our race?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "turnover" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.