Thei saide, "Al this schal wel be do:" And Jason truste wel therto.
And Love answerde, 'I truste thee 7330 Withoute borowe, for I wol noon.
I truste in God that we shall departe hense uppon Tusdaye, yf the wynde will serve us.
If I had it, I wolde truste to make it a goode thynge, for ther is moche thynge ther by that myght be had in to it, weche causeth me to be the more desirous to it.
Cambryge for a monthe, and I truste we schal have done or xx.
I pray you good cosyn, the rather by your meane, that I may have the continuauns of hys good lordship, and to myn poore power I truste to deserve it.
It is tolde me that Sir Thomas wyll ressyng Mautby chyrche, and yf it plesyd yow to geve it to on Sir Thomas Lyndis, I truste verely that ye choulde leke hym ryght well, for he is rit a prystly man and vertusly dysposyd.
And this I pray yow faile not offe as I truste yow.
She sayth ther ys no man a lyff that she hath put her truste in so moch as she hath doon in you.
And plese it youre good maistirshyp to wete that it is seyd here that my Lord Worcestre is lyk to be Tresorer, with whom I truste ye stonde right wel in conseit, with whiche God contynwe.
My right wurshipfull and my moost reverent maistre, Almyghty Jesu preserve you, and send you the victorye of your elmyes, as I truste to Almyghty Jesu ye shall.
I have best truste on too, and nexte hym to the wryghe potte; and I mystruste moost the potte that hathe a krotte abovyn in the toppe, lesse that he hathe ben ondoone.
Item, I truste he wylbe your gode fader, for John Say hath told hym playnly of hys demenyng ayenst you, and told hym that he had the lasse favour for your sake, &c.
I truste I am of that substans that, what soever caswelte fortunyd, yourre maistresship shuld not lese on pene of yourre dute.
But sithe no manne hath yet attempted the like, as far as I canne learne, I truste all suche as bee not exercised in the studie of Geometrye, shall finde greate ease and furtheraunce by this simple, plaine, and easie forme of writinge.
And we truste ye wole dispose you accordyng to our pleser and comaundement.
He told me John Threscher come to hym in your name, and seide that ye sent hym to my ladde for a letter or a token, weche I shulde have sent you, but he truste hym not; he wold not delyver hym noon.
Cristemesse as longe as the wode lasteth, to the some that I tolde you, and I truste more; and to this I durste be bound.
There myght no man to thee truste The whyles thou were a lyve.
If that I come not to-morrowe, brother, By pryme to you agayne, Truste not els but that I am take, Or else that I am slayne.
And wher-as ye seyn that fortune hath norissed yow fro your childhede, / I seye, that in so muchel shul ye the lasse truste in hir and in hir wit.
But nathelees I see your trewe entente, And truste upon your wit, and have don ay; Wherfor of my free wil I wol assente 150 To wedde me, as sone as ever I may.
Ful ofte tyme I rede, that no man truste in his owene perfeccioun, but he be stronger than Sampson, and holier than Daniel, and wyser than Salomon.
No man netruste up-on hir favour longe, But have hir in awayt for ever-mo.
For truste wel, that over what man sinne hath maistrie, he is a verray cherl to sinne.
Lo, swich it is for to be recchelees, And necligent, and truste on flaterye.
Thus starf this worthy mighty Hercules; 3325 Lo, who may truste on fortune any throwe?
For truste wel, hir fleshly love was deedly hate; as seith the prophete David: 'who-so that loveth wikkednesse he hateth his soule.
Truste me, your verses I like passingly well, and enuye your hidden paines in this kinde, or rather maligne and grudge at your selfe, that woulde not once imparte so muche to me.
That is/ the ensamples that are in the scripture comforte vs in all oure tribulacyons/ and make vs to put oure truste in god/ and pacyently to abyde his leysure.
To stele/ robbe and murther are no holye workes before worldly people: but vnto them that haue their truste in god: they are holye when god commaundeth them.
As for this writ of the Parlement of Norwich, I thanke you that ye will labour ther in; as for my frendys ther, I truste right well all the aldermen, except Broun[38.
And if they woll labour to damage or hendre me, all the worlde woll mysreporte of hem and litel truste hem, nowther they schal not have wurschip nor profight bi it.
Wherfor my maistir shal sende us to take a distresse tomorwyn, and I truste we shal fynde sum meanys to have hym bounde, &c.
I truste I shal brynge you a letter from my mayster your sone, or thanne I come, for whych I shal rather thanne fayle abyde on day the lenger.
Right truste and right welbeloved, we grete you hertly wel.
But, I trustein Gode, at your next comyng to have an answere, such as I shalbe content with.
To our right truste and right welbeloved John Paston, Esquier, and William Norwiche[101.
I truste God that ye shulle take your loggyng ther yn here after whan ye come to your lordshippis on tho partes.
And therfore I say, thou might wel truste to come to thy blisse, sithen thy ginninge hath ben hard, but ever graciously after thy hertes desyr hath proceded.
Thus with suche thinges the tonges of yvel shal ben stilled; els fully to graunte thy ful meninge, for-sothe ever was and ever it shal be, that myn enemyes 80 ben aferde to truste to any fightinge.
Verily it is proved that richesse, dignite, and power ben not trewe way to the knotte, but as rathe by suche thinges the knotte to be unbounde; wherfore on these thinges I rede no wight truste to gette any good knotte.
But ay we truste in you, our protectour; On your constaunce we awayten alle.
God graunt 70 that proposicion to be verifyed in me; so that, by truste of good hope, I mowe come to the haven of ese.
Who wolde beleue that this marchaunt, whiche is both wyse and subtyle, wolde truste this ideot, that can speke neuer a redy worde, of xl peny worth of ware?
To whome he answered and sayd: nay father, I trusteyou shall lyue and occupy them your selfe full well by Goddes grace.
Syr (quod the felowe), I truste ye wyll beare me recorde, that I haue hit nat.
By thys tale ye may percyue, it is no wysdom for a man to truste to a man to do a thing, that is contrary to hys old accustumyd condycyons.
This gentylman in truste therof made not anye further suite, for lacke wherof his seruaunte, that had done the felonye, within a monthe after was rayned at the kynges benche and caste, and afterwarde hanged.
And where greater thinges cannot be done, these small I truste shall not be contempned: which if I doe perceiue, hereafter more ample indeuor shal be imployed to atchieue greater.
Neuerthelesse, the same being kepte secrete, I truste shall not be reprocheful.
And truste to it, that thou shalt not enioye thy purpose before some of vs haue lost our liues.
If the artificer will not faithfully deale according to the truste reposed in him, I would not wyshe him to suffer that whiche Bindo did, but aduisedly to reade the Historie, and trustelye to accomplishe that he taketh in hande.
I will bringe to lighte suche matters agaynste his sonne whearby yt shall appeare that he is a moste unfitt man to execute anie office of charge or truste vnder her ma{tie} beinge so corrupte a man as I will prooue him to be.
Here you haue brought your action against me, wherof I truste vpon my reasonable answere before the Iudges, to be discharged.
Sum have sente a manne of theirs, whiche under the name of a fugetive, might take aucthoritie and truste with the enemies, who after have used it to their profite.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "truste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.